High Gain?

I've read in more than one thread that the First Watt SIT-3 should be used with a high-gain preamp. I'm wondering what the number is that determines whether a preamp's line section is considered to be high gain or not?

Showing 1 response by garyalex

Given what I've read and judging from some of the responses here I'm now thinking that perhaps looking at this strictly as a measurement isn't really helpful.  Listening and experimentation is.  The problem is that I don't own a SIT-3. 

I do have a new preamp coming next week, a Cary SLP-05.  By far the most expensive preamp I've ever owned.  I have a First Watt M2x amp.  This is the DIY version of the M2.  I love it and think it will be fine with the Cary.  Still, being an audiophile I can't help but wonder about that SIT-3 even though the M2x is great.  I'm sure most of you know just what I mean.  Anyway, thanks for the responses.  This helped.