High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing

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@lak, thanks. yes, since these cables doesn't seem to be very easy to A/B for their settling time and lingering effect (on removal), I just wanted to get an idea which is the one folks are mainly benefiting from...

Does anyone know how much differences is the Ct-1 compared to the Reveal line for balanced ICs ?
@debjit_g, of course, the answer you didn't want is the suggestion of trial and error because all systems can be different. With that said based on my HFC experience, I'd say Dac to preamp. Remember the interconnects need to stay in place for several days and many hours of use for the full break-in to take place. If you change the location it will be necessary to once again break-in on the different equipment. Also, there is usually a lingering effect of the magnetic conduction (a day or two) when you remove the interconnect etc.
You are right you did not ask. But felt it need to be said before any body jumped to a conclusion. Celebrity not wanted or needed. Just what worked for me.
enjoy Pete 
Hi Folks,
I have been following this thread with great interest and bought 2 MC-0.5 & ordered a Reveal balanced interconnect at the LA audio show. I am so much impressed with the MC-0.5 that I ordered couple more. The IC and 0.5's are supposed to arrive next week. I am wondering what is the preferred location of putting the ICs - Dac to Preamp or Preamp to Amp ?
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Hello jmcgrogan2
Yes  it is me. Yes i paid full price for the Jumpers. And have not received any pay or compensation of any kind for it. I have always paid for all my High Fidelity gear.  Same price as everyone else.
Enjoy Pete

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@68pete, I agree with jmcgrogan2 and Rick with the placement of the power cord on your CDP. In my system, I heard the most significant improvement when I added my CT-1UR Helix Power Cord to my Dac.
My second choice would be to power your Hemisphere with that power cord.
Break-in might be a week or two with a new HFC power cord.

@aniwolfe, the MC 05’s seem to sound the best on the wall outlet that other gear is plugged into vs the MC-6.
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Thank you for the info.  What kind of break in time would i be looking at on the power cord?
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I have found for me the best place for the MC O5s is on the wall plug. each time i have add MC O5s to the wall plug the sound improved. Their is a improvement when adding the MC O5s to the MC6. Rick use to demo that at the audio shows i attend in the past. He did add several to a MC6 at a show and it was a improvement. For me at the wall  plug worked best.  What my MC 6 Hemisphere sounded without the 2 MC O5s, i can not reply to. I add the MC O5 to it the same day i got it and never listen to it with out the MC O5s and never looked back very happy with the MC 6 Hemisphere. It replaced a PSaudio P10
enjoy Pete

Congrats! So your 14 away from 68. Your getting close man. :)

Got a question for you Pete. I have 1 lil ole MC-05 :)
I currently have it plugged into the wall by itself on the same line as my system. Would I benefit more plugging it into my MC6 ?
Need some input,  After spending a fair amount of time in High Fidelity show room at the LA AS and in the past couple of years The Newport Show. I am familiar with the High Fidelity sound if you will. For me it is very detailed, not harsh and very rich sounding and smooth. great space between the notes. Outstanding quietness or very black blacks between the music notes. I own 44 MC O5s, 3 sets of their level 2 speaker jumpers (all in use) and a MC 6 Hemisphere.  Ordered a power cord at the LA AS should have it in about 2 weeks i hope. Would like to hear where would be the best place for it? It has 3 possibility in my system, On the SACD/CD player plugged into the Hemisphere. Same set up but plugged into the Pre Amp. Or the 3rd spot would be plugged into the wall with 21 MC O5s and feeding the Hemisphere with 2 MC O5s plugged into the Hemisphere. Rick suggested i use it on the disc player. Yes i know i can try it in all 3 spots for the best place. Would like to hear from other power cord owners on their opinions of where it would sound best and how long of a break in before it is at its best? The power cord i ordered is the UR power cord . It can not be used on my amp, the amp is on a 20 amp line and all Ricks power cords are 15 amp at this time. What say you?
Thank you for your time    
The 6 MC O5s i add to the 15 on the power line that feeds my Disc player and  Pre amp are sounding very good across the board will add the remaining 6 MC O5s to the 15 i have on the Amp line tomorrow.
Hello lak
The Pro Elite RCA connectors can be seen on High Fidelity Face Book page. They are much bigger than the pictures show. Kinda like a stinger missile if you will. I think you will really like the Hemisphere The break in is very long like a wild ride going dark before getting better. Let me know what you think.
Hi jayctoy No,  the Pro Elite is a cable inter connect a big step above the Pro line not adapter. i think you could add adapter(RCA) on the end of it just like the rest of the High Fidelity RCA line. 

Hello Pete, interesting update, thanks for posting.
Any pictures of the new Pro Elite RCA interconnects?
I received a new Hemisphere on Monday to demo and must break in, should be interesting.

Just picked up 12 more MC O5s at the LA AS  installed 6 of them on one line and will add the other 6 to my amp line next week. The show was great. High Fidelity New Pro Elite RCA interconnect was quite stunning  in looks and sound. At 50lbs per cable 100lbs per set its huge a set weight all  most as much as  a large  amp. Sounded great. They also have a new mono block amp set, but the new Pro Elite RCA interconnect stole the show.
I have found that the 3 way splitters take 5 days to break in and sound good. unless the are zapped with some current first.
All my tests point to a better effect when the MC-0.5s are nearer the system outlet(s).
I often see a correlation between better sound and magnet placement.
All this talk about MC-0.5s makes me want to get 4 more...

t_ramey, I believe what you described above is normal and part of the break-in process. Others have noted a long break-in period for the MC-0.5's and some people report improvement as soon as the MC-0.5's are plugged in. In my case, there is a break-in period.
I've only used the MC-0.5's in the same outlet that my various components are plugged into and all of my outlets (5) are on dedicated circuits.

I started with one in each outlet around the room and then was able to put a 3-1 splitter at each outlet and now have two splitters at the stereo outlet. What's funny is as I would add a few at a time I noticed the music would take a step back but then improve after 4 or 5 days but my plasma tv that is also in the room would look better almost immediately.

I have found, and am curious if you guys have noticed this, when I come home at the end of the day and fire up the system it seems after 20 to 30 minutes everything kicks up a notch and really sounds good. Which I know is usually the case, especially for tubes, but this is a little different. Same for the tv, after so many minutes the picture will improve in detail and color.  Almost seems like when the components start to use the power line it takes a bit to gel with what the magnets are doing. Or maybe I'm just crazy...
Having the MC O5s on the same outlet that my amp is plugged into was a great step up. It now has 15 MC O5s on the same outlet. Using 2 different 3 to 1 splitters, so it  does not stick out into the room like Ricks does. I have not tried them in other outlets on the same power line yet. Keep us posted on how the MC O5s work when scattered around the room on the same power line works for you.
enjoy Pete
I’m curious to know how many have experimented with the mc-0.5’s at the specific outlet that the stereo system is plugged into versus the other outlets that are also on the same circuit. I have 4 outlets in the same room as my system and there could be more that are also on the same circuit but haven’t gone that far yet. So the other three outlets in the room currently each have 3 mc-0.5’s and just recently I got another order of two that I have placed on the stereo outlet so it now has 5 mc-0.5’s.

Just wondering if I take away some from of the other outlets, say two from each leaving one, and add to the daisy chain that’s on the stereo outlet if that’s more beneficial or just keep them where they are at. I saw a video of Rick at a trade show and it appeared he had 15 or 16 of them all in one outlet so just 
I can think of many HFC items I'd like to have other than more Pro IC and pc.
I want to get the new RCA adaptors when they come out.
 I love the sound of the first RCA adaptors. I know others who also have the RCA adaptors on their Pro IC's with great results..
MC-0.5s are always on my list of parts I want more of.
I'd like HFC to come out with a 2 wire, non polarized C7 power cord for my computer.
total dreaming- I'd like Pro Elite line if it comes out.
They have an amp and speakers I'd like to try.
Magnetic speaker binding posts.
the MC-6 Hemisphere 
and more

Hi ddraudt
Well i will be adding more MC O5s  in a couple of weeks. Waiting for the speaker cable  adapters to come out. If they look like what they had on their Facebook page i think they will be great. Was told they would be out in June sometime, then i heard  August some time? May jump into some power cords but not at the pro level only in my dreams. If you get a spare pro power cord let me know i will store it for for free...lol
68pete, My friend ended up getting 2 pro interconnects because they are so much better than the UR IC or the URH IC.
I'd love to get another pro IC and another pro pc for myself. Some Day.
I'm interested to know what mag device you would like next?
Or what  HFC stuff anyone thinks of getting next?
Cheers D
Mtrot, Rick cables are so good even good amps can't do what they do to the system.i have experience what you have experience, yes his cables are worth every penny..
Thanks ddraudt for sharing that someone has 101 of the mc-0.5's. Just when I think I'm off the deep end it's nice to know there's someone crazier than I am.  :)

I have 14 at the moment and all on the same circuit on 4 outlets. As much as I'm impressed with what they do to my stereo system I'm just as "wowed" by the affect on my 5 yr old plasma tv. As a bonus it's like I got one of the new LG oled tv's.  
MM Celyea, I have 16 MC-0.5s in one circuit all at the wall.
I usually get 4 at a time because they are cheaper in sets of four.
Great improvement every time I ad more.
more intimate, involving, real.
I heard a story that one person has 101 of them.
Cheers D
I have 15 on one dedicated 20 amp line for my amp.  17 on a line that feeds my pre amp and disc player. 15 of the MC O5s are plugged into the wall and 2 plugged into my MC 6 Hemisphere that feeds the pre amp and disc player. Grand total of 32 MC O5s. each time i add some the sound got better. I will be adding more later.
Enjoy Pete
Additional MC-0.5's should continue to make an improvement. I now have 15.
I finally tried some MC-0.5. I heard the demo last year at Axpona and went back this year. Picked up 2 MC-0.5. 

Im on a dedicated 20 amp line and using a Audioquest Niagara 1000 power conditioner with Audioquest outlets and power cords.
I can easily can hear the difference plugging and unplugging. I have both plugged into a outlet above the one the Audioquest is into.  
The soundstage is bigger, more open and the space between instruments and sounds is clearer.
Now Im a convert and am wondering if I should pick up 2 more. A third plugged into the out let and one plugged into the Audioquest strip.
Pete, Your right! I'll send it to you right away.
Actually My friend Frank has firs dibs on the 2nd Pro that I can't afford.

No one is allowed to have a extra High Fidelity Pro IC. The Audio Gods will not be happy with you. Send it immediately to me and i will see what i can do for you and the Audio Gods...lol
Waiting on your audition with it, i can only dream
enjoy Pete
Ok, the PRO interconnect I got today is to try daisy chaining 2 pro interconnects together. Why on earth would I do that.
Well... it is actually to get an idea of what a PRO 2 or PRO Elite IC might sound like. Pro Elite is my name for the next step up that hasn't been made yet. IF made, I'm sure it will have much more Unobtainium in it.
Lak, Some moved to High fidelity. 
I build custom power boxes with design help from a friend.
I barely go 3 months without upgrading some portion of the boxes I use.
Seems like there's alway a new box, wire, outlet, inlet, mounting plate or outlet cover. (Damping, shielding and adding weight also) Then it is a matter of finding which combination of parts gives the best sound.( ie. NCF outlet needs a different inlet than R-0)
Parts alone for one box is $2500 and I use two boxes.
It's an interesting process, probably for another thread.
Also... I am getting another PRO IC today to experiment with.
Will report on that later
I have a number of friends who have tried the Weezer and moved on.
Guess it is system dependent.
68pete, I was going through the Weizhi for ARC.  Only one mono powered up so tried directly on Hegel and it wouldn't power up at all. Hegel H30 is a beast with 15 amp fuse.
As i understand it none of the High Fidelity power cords do 20 amp even the pro.
68pete, I have tried MC 05 in the Weizhi but prefer upstream in the wall outlets.  I have 2 20 dedicated lines, one for amps and other for sources. Use 1 Weizhi for amps and rotate 2nd Weizhi or MC 6 for sources.  

Each line has 1 duplex, 1 outlet with 3 MC 05s (looking adding 4 more per line) and other for power distributors.  I also added a ground post to the power distributors and tie grounds together.

I've always have high current amps, Krells, SF Power 3SE ... currently own Hegel H30 and ARC REF250 and don't experience any current or dynamic limiting with Weizhi.  SQ much better through Weizhi.

I would not use MC 6 with big amps.  My amps don't even turn on with HFC CT-1 PC ... PC connector just gets very very hot.  Unless go UP UP in the lineup, most are designed for low current draw components.
Thanks for the info.  I have tried small amps to my PSaudio P10 they sounded ok but better direct to the wall. My large amp is to big of a current draw to try on any conditioner that i own or have tried. So its always straight  to the wall. I think that the down side of High Fidelity products is the current draw, even in their power cords no 20 amp power cord.  Have you tried any MC O5s with the Weizhi? If so what did you find?
enjoy Pete
68pete, On cost, paid retail for all the parts + labor depending on the difficulty.  With MC-6, IEC hole had to be enlarged (NCF IEC is larger than most stock), tabs removed on NCF outlets and replaced everything inside except for the magnets so a bit more than Weizhi. Cost more than stock MC 6 + hundreds.

In terms of quality, I have no idea until it was opened.  In hindsight, should of ask for pictures before and after the mod.

I bet Hemisphere is superior to MC 6 but comparison would be interesting for educational purposes.

The parts were broken-in before installation but after more hours on the MC 6 tonight, it's opening up nicely.   When finally fully broken in, my guess Weizhi wins in bass, dynamic and sound stage and MC 6 in imaging.   Weizhi is the only power distributor/condition I prefer with amps than straight into the wall. 
Hello knghifi
I have not heard of the Weizhi before your post. From what i found on line it cost 3x more than the MC 6 and still more than the Hemisphere. So yes i think the build quality should be better. It got great reviews from what i found. Could you share what your mods cost and what the turn around time is?
Keep us posted on how your modded MC 6 does. If you lived here in Northern Ca. i would say lets compare my MC 6 Hemisphere with your mods and see how they sound. Maybe you could get Rick (High Fidelity) to loan you one for a audition and compare. High Fidelity does have a 30 day money back return policy. The Hemisphere does have a long break in of 600 plus hours on mine before it sounded great.
enjoy Pete
@lak  Zenwave Audio Great guy!

@68pete I'm aware all the literature but would be very interesting comparing my modded MC 6 with MC 6 Hemisphere.  

With only 3 hours Wed night, it's pretty good.  Little tight, not as dynamic, fast, powerful bass, smaller sound stage as the modded Weizhi.   Sounds more like adding a HFC PC than MC-0.5s.

The stock Weizhi build quality is SUPERB compared to MC-6.
Hi knghifi
The MC 6 Hemisphere has a different magnet set up than the MC 6. It also has some damping that the MC 6 does not have.
enjoy Pete
Out of curosity, who or where did you have the replacement work done on your MC-6?