High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing


Showing 50 responses by calloway

Calvinj...if you are ever in the southern va or northern nc area give me a shout. would love to have you over..
Calvinj...my system should be at the bottom of the post...i do have CT-1U interconnects and speaker cables so far.. i look forward to it..
I think these cables make good systems great ...and great systems even better.they are surely the best i have ever had in my system ...and the last...
Audiolabyrinth....of course you have..!! Forget what forum you are on again..?.
Audiolabyrinth....why no 'professional reviews' on the Tara website since 2007...?
Mrmb..if i am not mistaken this is the 'High Fidelity Cables CT-1 designed by Rick Schultz' forum....it is for people who use ...like... are interested in what makes these cables so good....and for those who wish to find out why, the people who do use them, like them.Everyone posting here has tried many different cables and knows that each cable has its own flavor.Trying to explain what makes a particular cable sound the way it does or suggesting that someone do a particular experiment to see if he/she should possibly change their mind about what they think about a cable based on that experiment is crazy.If you are interested , at all, in the HF cables, and you allow someone else's posts, on this forum, to discourage you from trying them, then you lose, which in the end, is probably what they had in mind anyway.They are superb cables. Do i know how they work?..Hell no. I don't have to know anything but what my ears tell me. I have tried a lot of what are considered to be the best audio cables on the market and to my ears...in my system...they are the best i have tried. I will not be trying any other brand....After almost 30 years of adding / subtracting different audio gear i have reached a point i never thought possible with regard to what i hear . when/ if you ever get there...you will know it.these cables were the final piece of the puzzle ... a big piece..but the final piece.i will still be replacing my powercords with Rick's models at some point in the future as i have demo'd them and found them to be as superb as the rest of his cables..You know how you find out how great a Porsche is.....YOU DRIVE ONE...you don't let someone who has never driven / owned one convince you they aren't very good...
Lak...they are not in the same league..i had the CT-1UR PC to demo recently and had a P-3 at the time. It is 'apples and oranges'...The CT-1UR PC is amazing..it does everything better than the P-3..but then again..it should be much better...
Tbg...you haven't heard the right 'tube electronic' with the HF cables yet..i will assure you that superb resolution and speed are both possible with the sound that SS electronics cannot match..
Charles1dad..you are right. by the way...your system is superb...i'll bet the Tripoint Troy is amazing..
Linkster...do you hear a difference with the bananas vs the spades or did you even try the spades..?..are you using Rick's bananas..?
i thought this thread was about HF cables..someone needs to start a thread about 'outlets'..!!..and keep this one about what it was intended to be about..
Sabai..very nice system...just as a comparison..it might be interesting to borrow a pair / set of HF cables...i/cs or speaker cables, from The Cable Company....and compare your DIY cables to them and report back...have some friends over at that time too..just a thought
Sabai..that's a safe invitation to make...if you have a spare set of your cables lying around why don't you mail a pair to Tbg and let him do a review of them compared to the HF cables. i am sure he would be willing to pick up the cost of shipping. if he wouldn't ..i will..
Mapman..'DD' is under no obligation to explain anything to you or anyone else.Get over it!!!The forum heading is about the cables..not about who is affiliated or not with the company.Take your attidude somewhere else.
Calvinj..if you ever get to Virginia you are more than welcome to come visit and listen to my system..Everyone have a great New Year...!!!
Sammons..thanks for your post.it is great to hear your experience with the HF cables.it mirrors what a lot of we cable junkies have, fortunately, also discovered.
Marqmike..probably a good idea to 'go to another thread'…these cables probably couldn't help your system...
Lak..good question..my 1 pair of CT-1U interconnects does hang in the air and does not touch the ground. i am sure you could use a cable elevator to support the center magnet as long as it was not metallic..
A great cable will not make a poor or average system sound that much better.The right, great cable, can make a great system sound spectacular.Certainly the HF cables are in a hand full of what can be called 'great' and do, in most instances,make a significant improvement in the sound of any great system. Cables can certainly be as important to the overall sound as any other component.I certainly would not put a $5000 cable on a $3000 system, however, as it probably won't help all that much,which may apply to some of the 'cables don't make any difference' followers of this and other cable forums.
i will be getting 2 of the new HF CT-1 pcs to demo next week..will report back also..
i have put my demo of the CT-1 pc on hold for about 1 month as i have new Psvane WE845 tubes coming next week.it would be difficult to decide which new product was affecting the sound so i will put the tubes in first..
Calvinj..thanks for asking..i have about 80 hrs on the 2 new matched pairs of Psvane WE 845s on my amps and to say they are great would be an understatement.I was torn between getting the Elrogs or the Psvane tubes . i was very impressed after talking with Rachel at 'Grant Fidelity' and thus chose the latter.They apparently take over 100 hrs to sound their best but the improvement in my system's sound is amazing.I did not think it could get better. my previous tubes..Shuguangs were at about 8K as to hrs on them so i wanted to get a new matched pair and then use the Shuguangs as spares...just in case.....i have an order in to the Cable Company to demo Rick's new CT-1 PCs ..2 of them..when the current loaner is finished...that should be fun. i did not want to demo them at the same time as i was trying to assess the sound of the tubes ..so i waited..thanks for the question..
the CT-1 pcs are superb on My Lumin. Better vocal understanding…better instrument separation and imaging.bass much tighter and quicker.better layering of the music and better background singer identification…Better substance to the entire musical performance...i will surely be buying one for the Lumin. will put the 2 CT-1s on my amps tonight and begin that evaluation..Certainly better than all the pcs i have tried that are at the price point and more.
Ddraudt...speaking of the CT-1 power cord, i received 2 of them yesterday from 'The Cable Co', and put the first one on my Lumin last night and listened for about 2 hrs. My first thoughts, and these are obviously early, are that the cable is superb.I will get back later next week with actual subjective thoughts on the PC vs the cable it is up against and its improvement, or not, in my system but very early thoughts are extremely positive.I will then be putting both of them on my Grail monoblocks.
Lak..HiDiamond P3..Silent Source 'Master Reference'..Elrod Gold...are the last 3 i have used with the SS as my current cords.
Very sadly i had to send back the 2 demo CT-1 pcs that i borrowed from 'The Cable Company' recently. ( thanks to Paul Jenkins). i currently have my 3 pcs for sale and as soon as they sell i will be replacing each with one of the HF CT-1 pcs. Like the rest of Rick's stable of cables they are amazing. i took them to a friend's house and replaced 2 of his pcs with the CT-1s and he was amazed at the improvement in his system. In my system the whole musical picture became so much more 'there'. Voices were more real. Blackness was blacker.Highs were more clear and pure.The decay of notes within a passage was amazing.I hate cliches so i won't go on but the cables are just superb.
just sold one of my previous pcs. will be buying 1 of the CT-1 pcs sometime this week..
My 3 new CT-1 pcs have been in about 4 days and are going through their maturing process..Every day they sound better.They are just what i needed to take my system to the level i have always wanted it to be..Except for new 300b tubes next week i will be finished with the upgrade bug for a long time..
Psvane WEs...I have their WE 845s too.2 matched pairs of the 845s.They are great..
My 3 new CT-1 pcs have about 100 hrs on them now and are just superb.they were/are all that i needed to get my system to the final sound i wanted.i lost about 2 weeks after getting them after lightening took out my IMac.the sound now is just amazing...
Lak...yes..it took out my front yard sprinkler system controller that is in my garage...loudest noise i have ever heard.Fortunately it did not get my system.i have double house surge protection and protection on all my wires going into my IMac...It made no difference.
Thanks guys..i was very lucky...i had lightening destroy the lt channel on a pair of Piega C-40s in the past..I have about 100 very large hardwood trees in my yard..you would think they would draw the hit first...We have another large storm approaching tonight in about 2 hrs...i do try to unplug everything before the storms get here..
Norm i agree. i was surprised that i got hit as i have >50 hardwood, fully mature trees in my yard that extend well above my roof line..
Rlawry..hopefuly every audiophile reaches a point in his/her system's evolution that allows each to know when enough is enough and allows the music to be the reason to turn the system on and not the sound.There is an old saying in medicine/surgery that goes..'the enemy of good is better'. It is hard to buy into that for some..
Norm..i am sure it was amazing. My CT-1 PCs, 3 of them, are just superb. They have fully broken in and have made an incredible improvement.My guess is that 1+1+1 probably = 5 with these pcs...Just great..
HF UR PC Final Update...: with > 150 hrs on the UR the sound is just do die for. all previous accolades continue to improve.....it just allows the music to be SO REAL....Rick truly is a genius with regard to his ability to create these cables...thanks Rick...
Jafox..since trying to believe 3 or 4 guys here on the HF forum doesn't mean much to you,try reading the > 20 reviews by many established reviewers instead.it might help.
Audiolabyrinth...apology accepted...the title of the thread is " High Fidelity Cables CT-1 designed by Rick Shultz" however..there is a thread that is all about 'outlets'...your passion for audio is known to all and is shared by all of the rest of us...we all respect you for that..but try and stick to the topic of the thread..
Mapman...jealousy doesn't become you...!.do you frequent sports car sites and bemoan the fact that some people actually pay >$100,000 for a Porsche...or Ferrari..?...It's all relative...High Fidelity Cables ..to those who can afford them are , in some cases, a means to an end in their search for the ultimate cable.Why would anyone,ie you, want to belittle their happiness with the music they love.? It speaks volumes about your insecurities.No one, that is secure within himself, begrudges anyone else's happiness.Very sad indeed...This thread is about HF cables....If you haven't tried the cables..which you apparently haven't, you can't comment on them pro or con....If you haven't tried them....find another thread to troll.Rick's cables are the best some of us have tried.....enough said..
That wouldn't be a bad idea….would it..???…He'll have a logical reason why Fplanner really isn't hearing what he thinks he is..!!
Norm...I understand the "pursuit of perfection "concept but at some point in the quest,you, hopefully, reach that moment when,while analyzing your system's sound, that you say to yourself, ' i've arrived'. Then you can just turn the system on each night and not have to think anymore and just immerse yourself in the music...that is where I am..finally..no more major changes..
Geoffkait....in the past you would be correct but after > 25 yrs I truely am happy with what I have put together...
i will be upgrading my CT-1U interconnects to the CT-1UR in the next week or so. Can' t wait.Will get back with my thoughts..
With an all HF cable loom, i just upgraded my CT-1U interconnects to the CT-1UR and the improvement...even in the very early going...is significant.  I will need another 100-200 hrs to give a final impression but for now it is amazing.