Hey Y'all,
foreverhifi2000, I admire the dedication and passion you obviously bring to your profession. But not everyone in hi-end retail offers the same intensity as you do when it comes to customer service. I've been into audio, albeit as a consumer only, for 28 years and my experience, with most retailers, was almost enough to chase me into another hobby. Please, don't get me wrong, I've come across some very nice and helpful people in retail. But for the most part there has been condescension, pomposity, disregard and much to much ego for one to have to put up with. That is why I include finding Audiogon in my nightly prayers. In just the last 2.5 years, I've learned more and met some of the nicest people, both grunts and sales people, then I had ever before. AND I have been able to put together a system that I would have never imagined before. You do have a point, if the retailer offers everything that you mention, there should be no threat and thus no worries. I feel that the internet and used sales are only effecting the retailers that do not offer the same things that you so strongly point out as being THE most important things they can offer the consumer, an excellent buying experience and great customer service.......John
foreverhifi2000, I admire the dedication and passion you obviously bring to your profession. But not everyone in hi-end retail offers the same intensity as you do when it comes to customer service. I've been into audio, albeit as a consumer only, for 28 years and my experience, with most retailers, was almost enough to chase me into another hobby. Please, don't get me wrong, I've come across some very nice and helpful people in retail. But for the most part there has been condescension, pomposity, disregard and much to much ego for one to have to put up with. That is why I include finding Audiogon in my nightly prayers. In just the last 2.5 years, I've learned more and met some of the nicest people, both grunts and sales people, then I had ever before. AND I have been able to put together a system that I would have never imagined before. You do have a point, if the retailer offers everything that you mention, there should be no threat and thus no worries. I feel that the internet and used sales are only effecting the retailers that do not offer the same things that you so strongly point out as being THE most important things they can offer the consumer, an excellent buying experience and great customer service.......John