high end speakers? ... not sure what brands/model

I have a new (6 mo old) set of Paradigm Studio-20 speakers in my living room.
They sound great to me. However, I hear so much about other top brands and models ... it is almost dizzying trying to keep them all straight!

Anyway, I was wondering how far I was from a top-level speaker experience.
Are my speakers pretty good or should I think about upgrades?

I listen to jazz, folk, classical, some rock, etc. I have a Naim Nait 5i amp.

I really enjoy quality sonics at modest output levels.


Showing 2 responses by foster_9

Albireo13 03-20-10
Anyway, I was wondering how far I was from a top-level speaker experience.
Are my speakers pretty good or should I think about upgrades?

To answer your question, imo you are a long way from a top level speaker experience. Your speakers are "entry level decent." Now, you could try matching them with an amp that helps them to sound as good as they were in the "shop.". Obviously the Naim is not a satisfying match for them. Or, if you want to go to a "top-level" speaker then you need to get out and hear some top level speakers at high end dealers and pick what you love. Then after you find speakers (I assume monitors) you love, find an amp that is a great match for them. This is what I've learned from Goners with experience. Now, if you plan to buy speakers used here, of course you can't audition. Then you want to by a well known and popular name brand at a good price so if you don't like them you can sell and recoup most or all of your investment. I think the Dynaudio suggestion is very good.
I too overlooked the bass. If the Paradigm monitors don't provide the bass you want that you heard at the dealers you may need to move to floorstanding speakers that go lower. Brands to hear (and try to audition) would be Revel, PSB, Dynaudio and there are many more. What sounds great to you may not sound great to others. Trust your ears.