High End Myth Glossary.

Many of the glossary terms bellow are entered with little or no comments. Large comments might require large space and time investment. If anyone reading this glossary is offended, than I'll keep you a company as well. Every myth-paragraph bellow adds a price to the audiocomponent only without substantial improvements and "upgrades" to your system.

Feel free to add to the list bellow:

1. Cables' price should be arround 10...20% of the whole system i.e if the system costs $100k than $10...20k should be for interconnects and speaker cables.

2. Directional signal cables.

3. Zero Negative Feedback.

4. $10k 10Wpc amps.

5. No need for larger output power. Place compact system speaker into the plywood horn enclosure and use SET 1W/ch.

6. Tube watts v.s. SS watts.

7. CD-players or digital separates over $1.5k(Analogue sources stay somewhere next to but not to the same degree for example $10k cartridges)

8. Audiable differences in .3dB or in .5%THD v.s. .001%THD.

9. Auditioning of audio furniture.

10. Stereophile or other oriented magazines one-person "expert reviews"

11. $5000 Mark Levinson amp looks like it should sound excellent...

12. $12k CD-player reads CD with greater precision.

13. tubes $900/matched pr

14. amp stands $600/pr.

15. microphonic-free chasis, power interconnects and speaker wires. tubes and transistors can certainly be added as well.

16. wire reactance influence on audio freequencies.

17. Nirvana speaker wire has substantially less reactance than Home Depot.

18. S/N ratings of CD-player(larger than CD's dynamic range 16bit = only 60dB!)

P.S. I would be also glad to see Worst-of section in forums here.

Showing 2 responses by foreverhifi

I would like to apologize for my previous comments regarding Padigm speakers, as I'm having a bad day. Really I never listen to anything but Paradigm in my spare time, and could care less about listening to any other speaker I've sold over the years. Paradigm rules!!!!...yippie!
Myth #1 (from reading audiogon post for so long): Paradigm speakers sound good.

Myth #2: Most audio industry professionals and reviewers us Paradigm speakers in their "reference rigs" from which to compare other designs to.

Myth #3: Paradigm is the only speaker to onsider

Myth #4: If you are interested in non-colored, more accurate audiphiole grade sound quality, that lets you hear what's on the recording as it was originally from the source, then Paradim's are the speaker choice for you!

Myth #5: Less than 5% of the populous who own Paradigm speakers actually use an audio/video receiver to driver their speakers, rather than separates.

Myth #6: Paradigm makes bright speakers, just like the professional audio Mag reviewers all comment on continually.

Myth #7: I actually own Paradigm, and am just kidding most of the time, but really do love the higher fidelity soundquality offered by that company, which brings me closer to the accurate recordings as they were recorded.

Myth #8: Marketing hype and advertising dollars will never influence people from certain geographical areas to buy one brand over another when it comes to speaker designs..including Paradigms. Bose has this concept completely wrong..I don't know how they stay in business!

Myth #9: I own stock in Paradigm

Myth #10: Paradigm speakers don't sound anything like any other mid-fi offering.

Myth #11: Paradigm will one day make a speaker that will be awarded "speaker of the year" by Stereophile magazine, rather than "Canadian speaker weekly magazine" or "womans day magazine"!

Myth #12: One Paradigm speaker monitor(not sub) design actually made Class A rating by Stereophile magazine last century, and that feat will likely be repeated again in this century.

Myth #13: If I were ever going to recommend a speaker to a client who wanted hifidelity accurate sound quality, it would definitely be Paradigm, which is not exclusive to it's dealers, and shouldn't be readily avaliable to mail-order houses on the net!

Myth #14 Dollar per dollar, Paradigm is the best you can buy sonically.

Myth #15 The Phrases "I'm sick of hearing about em", "Eat my shorts", and Paradigm speakers should never be used in the same sentance!

Truth #1:...still people should buy what they want, and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, as long as you like it. Peace...