High End CD players give errors on copy CD's???

Hi to all,

I went to a demonstration 2 weeks ago for Sonus Faber Cremona M series and they attached a Meridian G.O6.2 compact disc player to the system. I brought some original & some copy cd's that was burned by i tunes. And in some of the copy cd's the meridian was not able to play the cd and it was mentioning an error!!! So the seller indicated that the high end cd players are so sensitive and may not be able to play copy cd's... I am planning to buy a high end cd player and I have copy cd's around 900!!! I mean I am scared to buy a high end cd player and it will not be able to play my cd's. Is there and way to make high end CD players work with the copy cd's!!! I will appreciate if anyone has any idea on that!!


Showing 1 response by shadorne

Since you have the originals (surely you did not copy 900 CD's illegally - I mean everybody has the odd CD they have shared with friends or burnt for the car but nobody would systematically do this - or would they?) then why not you use those. If you are using legally donwloaded iTunes tracks then I can't see the point of running compressed 128 KBPS AAC files (upconverted to 44.1 KBPS CD format) through a high end CD player.