High End CD Player / Transport - BLUE Anodized Chassis? - 2000's? - unsolved mystery?

I’m trying to solve a mystery in my head - it is entirely possible that I dreamt this, but hoping that someone might be able to help.

I recall maybe 8-10 years ago seeing a CD Player or Transport that was in a pretty large chassis that was the color blue - potentially anodized blue (maybe just the faceplate was blue)? But I’ve been searching and searching and can’t find it. "Audio Note" was my first thought...but maybe it was a different brand that starts with an "A" - or maybe not?

Does anyone have any memory / knowledge of what this could have been?!


I don’t believe it was rack-mount...more traditional. It actually had a very clean, simple design. In my head similar to this:


I don’t recall if it was top loading, but it was clean and had a relatively tall faceplate (with traditional width).  Perhaps I'm just losing my mind?

Very cool - didn't know about that one.  Not the one I'm looking for, but definitely cool!