High efficiency speakers

I am getting into low wattage SET amps (specifically the 18w Lamm ML2.1). I am told that to realize the full benefits of such low powered SETs, you need high efficiency (>95db) speakers with benign impedance curve. But when I look around, these speakers are often horn based, huge and unattractive (to my eyes), and have problems with low bass (either no low bass or needs powered woofers whose integration is a problem).
My question to the experts out there. Have you come across well designed high efficiency speakers that are full range, don't take space like Avantgarde Trios, and look as nice as a Kharma?
Thanks for your suggestions.

Showing 1 response by tbg

Alectiong, as others have said having 18 watts gives you the luxury that many SETs don't give you. I loved my Reimyo PAT777 amp but bought Acapella LaCampanellas at 92 db. The 8 watt Reimyo just could perform as it had with the Beauhorn Virtuosos at 103 db. But the Beauhorns were dying at 60 Hz and Murata super tweeters helped a lot. But with no crossover, the Beauhorns were wonderous where they worked.

The guy that bought my Reimyo uses Avantgarde Trios and absolutely love it. I think your requirements realistically cannot be met. The Zus would work, but I have never been a fan. Were you not to have your space requirement I would recommend the Klipshorns, which still seem to me to be the best efficient speakers. I have owned them three times in my 45 year audio experience and often wonder why I ever moved away from them. They do have to be in corners, which was my reason for selling the first two pairs. Now, however, I could put them in the corners with no hole in the center.