High efficiency speakers

I am getting into low wattage SET amps (specifically the 18w Lamm ML2.1). I am told that to realize the full benefits of such low powered SETs, you need high efficiency (>95db) speakers with benign impedance curve. But when I look around, these speakers are often horn based, huge and unattractive (to my eyes), and have problems with low bass (either no low bass or needs powered woofers whose integration is a problem).
My question to the experts out there. Have you come across well designed high efficiency speakers that are full range, don't take space like Avantgarde Trios, and look as nice as a Kharma?
Thanks for your suggestions.

Showing 1 response by rbrowne

I recently purchased a pair of Tonian Labs TL-D1 speakers after hearing them in a home demo coordinated with Tony Minasian, the designer. They are rated at 95 db with a frequency range of 42 hz to 40K hz and a benign 8 ohm impedance. Measuring 33"H x 11W x 17"D they are a simple two way design with an 8" Fostex driver and a modified ribbon super tweeter. They feature a minimal crossover and come with three different sized wooden plates that vary the rear vent size to adjust the bass output for the room.

I found that the TL-D1's worked better in my small (10.5'W x 12'L x 8'H) room than a pair of Audio Note AN/J speakers that I have owned for the past eleven years. The AN/J's sound great in larger rooms but in my smaller room they could be a bit boomy at times with a 50 hz peak due to a primary room mode. Not so with the TL-D1's which have a smoother frequency response in my room.

For amplification I've used an Audio Note M1 pre and P2 SE (18 wpc) amp and a Red Wine Audio Signature 30 (30 wpc) integrated amp. Currently I favor the RWA amp with the Tonian speakers which are still breaking in and are becoming more open and extended at both ends with use. Time will tell which choice of amplification wins out but neither lack in power with an eclectic range of music.

Not much has been written about these speakers, but there is a recent Positive Feedback review at http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue36/tonian_labs.htm that I found to be in line with my experience with the speakers.

Whether the TL-D1 speakers will be a good match with your amp and room I couldn't say, but they definitely work very well for me. Given their musical capabilities I would consider them one of the best values in speakers. Tony also makes other speakers based on the PHY drivers that reputedly offer more refinement and realism, but at a much higher price.

Good luck with your quest.