High efficiency monitors for SET amp in small room - budget 2.5k

Soliciting recommendations for high efficiency monitors that would work well paired with a relatively low-powered (22wpc) SET amp (Line Magnetic LM-218ia) in a small listening room. Budget is modest, around $2,500 and potentially stretching to $3,000 - thinking I'll be looking at pre-owned. Listen mostly to chamber music and jazz, not really worried about reproducing large scale orchestral music or rock.

Thanks for your thoughts!

Showing 1 response by david_ten

If you listen to chamber music and jazz in a small room why do you think you need high efficiency speakers?

...you’re essentially correct, when I take measurements while listening I average between 70-80db, with transient peaks around 90db at most.

Because this isn't about loudness measurements. A crying baby will run laps around that range (70 - 90), in that room.

A high efficiency speaker will deliver the music with more ease, with more fleetness of foot, present as less strained, time more naturally, etc., etc.