HiFi for musicians

Hi, i'm curious if there are any musicians out there who are into HiFi and want to know if their musical training or habits have any influence over their purchasing decisions.  I'm a guitarist and do think i buy tube amps because i'm used to listening to them.  Not because they are magical, just because i'm used to them.  I often practice in the evenings and then listen to my stereo afterward because i want to hear a recording of someone playing something different than what  i was playing.  Do piano players buy piano black finishes?  Do horn players use horn speakers?  Just curious.

Showing 1 response by toneranger58

Yes, I have played guitar for 45 years, still play out, and love the fact that my system reproduces guitar tones spot on. I had collected many guitars and amps for a very long time before getting into hifi Audio. Always had a decent system until about 4 years ago, now have a very good system that is very musical. It really impresses with live recordings, which are my favorite type of recordings, especially acoustic, purest of tones.

Life is good!