HiFi for musicians

Hi, i'm curious if there are any musicians out there who are into HiFi and want to know if their musical training or habits have any influence over their purchasing decisions.  I'm a guitarist and do think i buy tube amps because i'm used to listening to them.  Not because they are magical, just because i'm used to them.  I often practice in the evenings and then listen to my stereo afterward because i want to hear a recording of someone playing something different than what  i was playing.  Do piano players buy piano black finishes?  Do horn players use horn speakers?  Just curious.

Showing 2 responses by roberjerman

My old high school friend (a very talented prog-rock musician) had a rather cr*ppy MCS system from JC Penney! I had to goad him into spending a few bucks for something much better: an AR TT/Grado, Kenwood integrated amp and KLH Sixes! All bought used and cheap, of course! This way I had something reasonably good to listen to when I visited him!
One of my neighbors is a pro rock musician. He was over one time and looking at my gear. I asked him what he used. "I just listen to my computer's speakers!" I asked him "Wouldn't you like to have a nice stereo system?" His reply was "NO!" This example does not bode well for musicians!