hifi audio in movies

Hey everyone - I remember reading a thread here about never seeing high-end audio in movies (as props etc.) but I can't find it now. Anyway, I just got back from seeing Scorsese's "The Departed" and Matt Damon's girlfriend uses his full McIntosh system in one of the scenes, and it's a 2-channel rig! I didn't see any speakers but the MR85, MA6500 and one of their cd players are in full close-up view. I suppose Mc paid for that...but it is the first time I have ever seen anything like that in a movie. Have you seen nice gear in any other movies before?


Showing 1 response by yr44

Deviating to TV: in 'Friends' reruns, once saw a glimpse of Martin-Login Prodigies or B&W 803's in Joey & Chandler's apt.
The original version of the Departed, Infernal Affairs, had the main characters, Ming (=Sullivan in Departed) & Yan (=Costigan in Departed), met as prospective buyer & seller in a hi-end store in HK as the opening scene. Sexy tube gears. They sat down and compared cables (ha!). Andy Lau's character also had a hi-end setup at home.
Bad cop & undercover cop = audiophiles.