Hidiamond vs Hifidelity interconnects

Anyone have direct experience comparing the 2 brands?

Showing 1 response by hungphamquoc

Im not in this discussion since begining but cant wait to share my happiness with other agoners about my HFC CT-1u cable. Im recently bought a demo pair of RCA HF CT-1 ultimate Interconnect to replace the position of a pair of Transparent Reference MM1 from CDP to preamp, still using Transparent Reference cables from preamp to monoblock and speaker cables, wow, what a magic improvement it made !. CT-1U improved the sound magically like I have a totally new system, brough me lot of suprise day by day when I listening to old CDs, some I even though in past was not good recorded but now become vey high quality. The CT-1U cable is very detailed but not at all analytical, totally balanced through out all level, sweet mid, strongest and solid bass I ever heard from my system but never too much, soundstage is just fantastic like 3D, my wife said no need to go theatre anymore bcs we have an in-house one already, especially when you hear the big orchestra playing. The cable had revealed lot of hiden capabilities of the system that I thought dont exist, especially those with tannoy speakers. What a great cable ! However I think combination of HCF and Transparent cables will be better than using one brand alone. Each brand can benefit the other with their strengths. My system including Tannoy Canterbury SE and st-100, MBL Cdp, Audio Note preamp and 300B mono power amp.