Hidiamond vs Hifidelity interconnects

Anyone have direct experience comparing the 2 brands?

Showing 3 responses by c_avila1

The Hidiamond D9 interconnect is not Hidiamond's top of the line cable according to the pfd document from worldwidewholesales. They list a cable called signal ultimate for $5,600 @ 1 meter. I noticed that cable on the Italian version of the Hidiamond website a couple of years ago; however, that cable longer exists currently on the Hidiamond website.

When I purchased my D9 ICs, I asked the seller if he found a cable that he liked better. He told me that the only reason he purchased the D9 ICs was to hear what the hype was all about. He uses a full loom (iirc) of Jorma Design - Prime cables. The ICs and SC are $10k and $12k respectively.

I asked a different seller why he was getting rid his D9 ICs. The reason: he likes JPS Labs Aluminata ICs better than the D9s. The Aluminata ICs cost $3,149 for a pair @ 3/4 meter in length.

There will always be a cable that you like more than your current ones.

I'm curious to know how the Jorma Prime and Aluminta stand up against each other and the High fidelity cables.
It would be nice to have an accessory that adds magnetic conduction to any cable similar to Bybee Golden Goddess speaker bullets.
Jazz, my interpretation of your description of the D8 cables is that you are describing tonality.

Please describe the way the Hidiamond speaker cables portray the soundstage compared to the High Fidelity cables. Also, state how many hours each cable has been played.