HiDiamond cables burn-in


I've got a question to anyone with experience in HiDiamond cables burn-in process after buying new.
2 Weeks ago I bought a matching interconnect and speaker cable set for my system which has been playing for 2 weeks now, about 8 hours a day.
Both are the HiDiamond Power Carbons.
I've owned a lot of highly regarded cable brands, and to me the HiDiamonds really are a surprise.
Some sound aspects I've not yet experienced before with any cable and they certainly enhance listening pleasure.
But I also find the cables still to be lacking in something that is hard to describe, I want to say openness, but this would not be accurate, sometimes I think they are a little rolled of, but on this point also a lot of recordings show the opposite.
I think maybe it is a little lacking in showing the "etches" of details, sometimes resulting in a smaller degree of material or colour of intruments etc. to shine through,
maybe even sounding slightly muffled at times.
Part of this effect also in my opinion is a strength of these cables, because while they sound very detailed, transparent and defined, they really never sound harsh or forced, it sounds as if this is partly due to the effect I am describing.
But before I've written myself an entire chronicle, my question is, can I still expect the cables to open up and reveal more colors of the recoring or will this be it?
Would like some opinions because I do think they are worth the wait, but would hate to be waiting for something that will not take place.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

Showing 10 responses by barto

Hi Jazz thanks, completely agree about the value of the HiDiamonds.
In one of your systems I see an Audience Powerchord e interconnect.
Do you own a Powerchord e or an Audience interconnect?
I would be very interested in comparison of a Audience power cord e to the HiDiamond P3.
Hi Hak,

Thanks very much for your reply.
Was hoping someone would say something like that.
Does the balance or the characteristics of these cables in your system in any way indicate that in a system already somewhat on the warmer side would be to much?
Or are they in your opinion definitely open and transparent enough to mate well in a warmer system?
OK, thank you Lak.
The cables I own are the model Power Carbon, it is a model discontinued a few months ago.
Don't know exactly with which recent model it was replaced.
Price range (in Europe) is about €1000 for the speaker cables and €500 for the interconnect.
My system consists of SF Guarneri Memento, McIntosh DAC and Pathos hybrid amplification.
The Memento's are slightly darker than most other speakers I've owned before, and with the DAC also being very full in tone I want my cables te be open and defined.
My amp though is lighter in tone.
I really like the fact that the Hidiamonds fail to produce any harshness or sore tones that impede listening pleasure and really like their relaxing balance.
Just wondering if they will open up some more, the are definitely improving though and feel that with a little opening up could funally be a long term choice after trying so much in the past.
Hi Tony,

OKay, thank you.
I am a little reassured now and will give them at least a few more weeks.
I actually bought this cable for about a third of the new price mentioned.
Concerning your reaction, being in the business myself I understand where you are coming from.
But they way I should take your reply is not very sure te me, I could understand that you want to defend the HiDiamond cables on this highly regarded forum plus would like new customers to buy the newer models instead of older used ones. (en thus earning money).
But maybe you are just being honest and giving me a heads up.
Are you in any way saying that compared to most other cables that sound very open the "older" HiDiamonds are not up to the task?
Ok, clear.
Will give them some more time and otherwise continue experimenting, thanks.
It was already three months back that I posted my question here I see..
My system has changed a little in the meantime, (other loudspeakers) my new amplification was powerwise not up to the task to let de Guarneri's really do their thing, especially in comparison with my previous power amps.
I kept experimenting with cable's though and compared to my "guarneri system" it was more or less a one brain side improvement.
My system sounded technically a lot better, but did not touch me as me previous system did.
The HiDiamonds I owned back here kept crawling back in my memory and after some time I just took the shot and ordered a combination of HD7 sc, ic and power 3 cables.

I am not going to repeat everything that is already mentioned so many times on this forum but man.. Mr. Worldwidewholesales you were right!

Everything I had before is technically dwarfed by the sound of my new system, and even more important, emotionally it touches me as never before.
Beating my beloved old Guarneri's at their own game in every way.

I have finally found peace, what started as a nice experiment (trying out different brands of cables) became frustrating after to many tries.
Who knew my answer was found in a price range less than a third of some others I tried.
Ow trust me, I will!
My next investment will be another P3 and one P4 power cord.
The first place I will try the P4 is indeed on the wall, will also try it on my DAC but as in most similar cases in the past I think it will end up on the wall.
Yes, I meant the powerchord, but in your setup I saw the text "Audience powerChord e Interconnect" so I was a little confused.
I've owned Nordost Valhalla, Brahma and Vishnu and although I liked some aspects of them they did not do it for me.
Especially the fact that they made sounds supernaturally large in my system, and the imaging of my system somewhat diminished because of that, sounds did not have an exact and realistic position any more.
Silent Source is a brand I have never encountered over here (the Netherlands).
The Audiences have been on my radar for a while and might try some in the near future.