HiDiamond AES Big cable

I have not been on the forum in a little bit because my system has not changed until I recently added the HiDiamond AES Big. I will not mention the name of the very expensive AES cable that I just replaced with the $2500 AES Big but I will say that I have owned most sub $6000 AES cables and the cable I just replaced is very popular on the forums right now. My goal was to find a cable that improved my system will allowing the system to sound more analogue and the AES Big has exceeded all my expectations. My system is super sensitive to change and most of the cables I have previously tried caused a reduction in a few areas when I plugged them into my dac/transport combo. From the first minute I plugged in the AES Big, everything improved. The dynamics made me jump unexpectedly during one song that I was listening to and bass extension is ultra low but very well controlled will doing things I have never heard from my speakers before. In this regard, the stand up bass guitar and cello are my reference instruments with the pedal organ allowing for that last ounce of depth. With the AES Big in place, the cello has real weight and you can hear when it is being played passionately. The speed of the bass is another area that has drastically changed for the better. But the most impressive thing is how my system is now hologram versus 3D. It was like I had upgraded my speakers and dac. What I mean, when I say hologram, is that everything just seems live. When I walk towards my speakers, the hologram effect never collapses and I no longer need to sit in the center of the system to get the full effect. I thought this hologram would go away after a while and I would get accustomed to the effect but it never has. Everyone that has listened to the system has commented that the system is totally different in every area, much more analogue sounding. For me I have always looked for the missing link to my system and the HiDiamond AES Big is exactly that, "the missing link'!

Showing 1 response by emoryguy2

I just received two of the HiDiamond AES big cables to put into my Esoteric P-02, D02, G-Orb stack, and I have to concur with Paz, the results are nothing short of astonishing. I use a full loom of top HiDiamond cables in my system, and switched out my two HiDaimond digital reference AES cables with the AES Big (System includes VAC statement 450s, and VAC Signature MkII pre amp, with Magico S5 speakers and HiDiamond HDX-2 conditioner ).

The results were immediate and not subtle. The AES Big throw an absolutely huge, holographic soundstage and the bass and dynamics are staggering. It's as though I just purchased a whole new system, and I've only got about 20 hours on the cable, so it should continue to improve, though I can't imagine it getting any better. The feeling that you are at a live performance is a very accurate statement. This cable is truly top notch and I agree with with Paz, this is the missing link in my system.