Hidden Gems in Pre-Owned Solid State Power Amplifiers?

Browse the listings for power amplifiers (e.g. under $5K) and you notice a myriad of Classe, Parasound, Bryston, older McIntosh and Mark Levinson and lots of Pass Labs.
So many in fact that you wonder why.
What are the true audiophile gems in the pre-owned solid state market? Thanks in advance.
I also own a Kinergetics KBA-75 class A amp.  It was excellent back in the day but needs to have upgrades to compete now.  The HK 16 is an excellent power amp especially for the used prices but the XX model is in another league altogether.  If I was to buy a SS power amp today, that is what I would buy as a SS power amp in total stock form.

Most people here know that I build audio components - the final versions of my hybrid power amp will be out soon.  These are point-to-point wired, V-Capacitors, Amtrans, Shinkoh and Caddock resistors, Plitron Transformer & toroidal choke.  If you are looking to hear something special, contact me.  Yeah I know I snuck that one in!

Happy Listening.
I would go for any older AYRE amp.

Have a couple, best SS sound I have ever experienced.

And I have had a bunch of amps.

Creek, Adcom, ML. Hafler, etc.

Once I started using AYRE products, the hunt for better sound totally stopped.
Carver Research Lightstar Reference. 300/600/1200 into 8/4/2 and is <1 ohm stable. 80 lb badass amplifier 

Carver Research Lightstar Reference 2.0 the big guys lighter weight (only 42lbs) brother. Still 300/600/1200 watt capable and can do 3500 watts momentarily(2000ms) and stable into 1ohm.

Both are very musical and have held their value. Look for a quality unit that has been at the very least recapped they are 25 years old after all.

Someone mentioned the Carver M500t, one of Bobs better sounding efforts in my opinion.

Last but not least the Carver TFM-75, 750 watts into an 8 ohm load. 
All are great sounding with a spacious soundfield and good detailing.

I've seen this amp, the Clayton Audio S40 Class A amp referenced in posts here on agon by grannyring. Does anyone here have experiences they can share with this amp? As I'd like to learn more about it. Thanks