Hidden Gems in Classic Rock Albums

Please share songs you love that get overlooked on classic albums that most consider among the best ever--for example, those that regularly appear on the Rolling Stone top 100 list. Last weekend I played "Hotel California" all the way through and was really digging "Try and Love Again". Can't get it out of my head. Oddly, a Randy Meisner tune with great bass guitar and unique bass drum work by Don Henley--pumping it twice rather than once not sure why. There is some really great stabbing guitar lines, awesome rhythm guitar licks and a nice lead guitar. As always, great harmony vocals to boot. A really great song that seems to fly under the radar because it is on an LP that has so many "hits" and really great songs. 

Share yours!


Showing 2 responses by dodgealum

+1 @hifiguy42 Absolutely love "Accidently Like a Martyr". 

​​​@milo0812 "Night Train" is a great song and an equally great demonstration cut for percussion and high frequency response. 

Some really good tracks mentioned here--keep them coming. How about "Easy Wind" off Workingman's Dead or "You Tell Me" off Damn the Torpedos. Both classic albums and both excellent cuts that fly under the radar.

I don't want to rain on the parade of enthusiastic posts here but this thread is a good example of why people should be a bit circumspect when coming here for advice on how to choose gear. As someone mentioned, the original post was pretty clear about the narrow range of LPs the recommendations should come from--just the top 100 or so classic rock and roll albums. The idea was to uncover some hidden gems on albums that many people own so they would be inspired to pull them out and have a listen to some classic rock favorites with an ear toward songs that don't often get air play on the radio. Instead folks just chimed in with random rock and roll songs (or albums, or bands) that they like, some of which are less well known. At the end of the day that's fine--I've enjoyed learning about a few tunes that I didn't know about before that I will look for next time I'm out at the record shop. But carry this mentality over to a post about recommendations for equipment and what we routinely see are folks who respond to very specific questions (such as: What are the best high efficiency floorstanders below $4K?) with a list of their own favorites which may or may not fall within the parameters of the post with speakers that are often well above the price point or that are bookshelf type or low sensitivity designs. Kinda makes for a lot of static that doesn't really help people get where they are trying to go. Again, thanks for the enthusiastic response and maybe try to keep your suggestions to songs that appear on the most popular classic rock LPs.