Hi-Fi Tunig Fuses & Parasound A21

Have any Parasound A21 owners replaced the stock fuses with the Hi-Fi Tuning fuses in their amp? I understand that there are four 8A slow blow internal fuses and one 12A slow blow fuse on the rear panel. This is a awesome amp as-is. Just my curiosity.

Please share your experiences.


Showing 18 responses by geoffkait

The HiFi Fuses are marked with diode symbols and, as I understand it, the direction of the diode “arrow” is random. So, you need to try both directions. The diode symbol is useful in knowing which way the fuse was oriented just before you changed directions.

For multiple fuses the only rational way to test for direction is start with one fuse, change direction and listen. Decide which direction sounds better, then move to the next fuse. After completely this test for all fuses repeat, in case you were uncertain about a fuse’s direction the first time around. As you proceed the sound will improve and make it easier to hear fuse directionality.
So, I have a question. How did you establish the correct direction for so many fuses and combinations? Just curious.
Wolf man wrote,

"Note geoffkait is an athletic supporter of SR stuff, claims to not actually USE fuses in his gear, and has marketed utterly laughable and useless tweaks (he literally sold a bag of "special" rocks to place near the wires…or someplace…) through his little company so he knows how to sling the silliness."

I support all aftermarket fuses based on the proposition they are all superior to stock fuses. I DO support the proposition all fuses are directional as can be easily confirmed on a good system. No offense to Wolfie. I am also a supporter of the proposition ALL wire is directional, another proposition easily confirmed. No offense to Wolfie or his system. One imagines the reason so many of these things are laughable to Wolfie is that he attended a laughing academy.


geoffkait you are just a voodoo’ist, as is most of the stuff on your website.


Real techs above are trying to tell you something, in a nice way, just incase you have something wrong upstairs.

Cheers George

Hey! Whoa!  Somebody needs to have his Huggies changed.

5,020 posts
11-16-2016 10:59am
I have also found that the sound changes with the direction of the fuse. In one way it is relaxed with a very clear mid-range specially the voice with a little loose bass. The reverse direction produces a very fast, punchy sound with a controlled bass but it had a tad hazy mid-range specially the voice.. I wanted to get both but it is not possible at least with the current stock fuse. This is not caused by reversal of the fuse but how it makes a connection. Quite often by reversing the fuse you get a better connection because the fuse sits better in its holder and thus there is a lower voltage drop across it.

IOW its the connection, not that its reversed. If the only way to get the fuse in the holder is by removing the fuse cap, you might not have much option but to reverse the fuse to see if the contact is better."

Sorry, Charlie, nice try. But that’s simply not true. When the fuse itself, without the fuse holder even involved, there is a bigger voltage drop for one direction over the other. Hel-loo! Besides, careful and thorough testing reveals that the direction of the FUSE is actually more obvious in listening tests than any directionality the contacts of the fuse holder may or may not produce. More importantly, the direction of all wire, not only the wire on fuses, is directional. You can say that it’s the contact until you’re blue in the face, it’s no skin off my nose. This is an excellent example of the Backfire Effect, the more someone’s belief is challenged the more he believes he must actually be right. Common in this hobby, I might add.

Wolf Man wrote,

"Fuses are not in any signal path except in the broadest sense that many of the electrons used by an amp can somehow become signal..."

not true. Fuses can be in the signal path and often are. Electrons are not signal anywhere at any time.


"One of the most telling aspects of the premium fuse charade promoted by, as an example, the athletic SR fuse salesmen in the main SR thread, is an utter lack of understanding of or desire for any sort of reasonable technical explanation of how or why these "special" (and relatively expensive) fuses work their magic."

not true. There are many reasons why aftermarket fuses work their magic.


"I asked once, and was told to call SR as why should these SR Super Fans do the "heavy lifting" for me?…they simply have no idea beyond referring to the Quantum Tunneling or high voltage exposure or other nonsense used in SR promotion baloney. I smell fraud all over this stuff, and any other inexplicable techno tweak like tiny aluminum "transducers" (some know what "transducer’ actually means), and have tested the efficacy of Special fuses and found them to be a silly waste of money."

Off the top of my head I'd say your system is not what you claim it to be or your hearing isn't what you're claiming it takes me. You know, given that thousands of audiophiles have good luck with aftermarket fuses.


"The astonishing imagined benefits of pricey fuses is simply one of those head scratchers to people who are in the amp design business, and any of them I’ve asked about this stuff simply say something like hey, fooling people into thinking what they paid through the nose for is worth it if enough others claim it to be so is all some people need.

Not true. Not all aftermarket fuses are expensive. The word expensive itself is open to interpretation.

1,822 posts
11-16-2016 5:21pm

geoffkait you are just a voodoo’ist, as is most of the stuff on your website.


Real techs above are trying to tell you something, in a nice way, just incase you have something wrong upstairs.

Cheers George

Ouch! Very ouch!
An example of a fuse in the signal path I think everyone can understand is a fuse in a speaker. Case closed.
2,673 posts
11-19-2016 1:46pm
Still, no proponents of the Magic Fuses and their ability to make cellos sound better have EVER offered up any reasonable explanation for this..

That’s simply not true. Repeating that line a hundred times actually doesn’t make it any less false. There are none SO blind as those that will not SEE.

1,827 posts
11-19-2016 2:33pm
Geoffkait:There are none SO blind as those that will not SEE.

george pondered this, thought for a moment, then pulled the trigger,

"There none so blinded with their own voodoo, that "they can’t see the forest through the trees"."


Cheers George

Whoa! Hey! George, if you keep this up I'm going to have to consider promoting you to associate shill.

Al, are you speaking with the lawyer side of your brain or your EE side? Setting aside the Quantum Tunneling issue for the moment, since that’s kind of a red herring for this discussion because Synergistic Research use Quantum Twerking on many of its products - it’s not unique to its fuses. No need to get all worked up over the name of their process in any case. 

So, lets summarize what we know about aftermarket fuses and what it is about them that is responsible for better SQ compared to a fuse from Joe Blow. Get it, Joe Blow?

1. The purity of the wire inside the fuse is superior, e.g., high purity copper or high purity silver.

2. The end caps are better conductors than Joe Blow’s, either pure copper, pure silver or gold plated copper.

3. Fuses incorporate vibration control, which can be substituting a ceramic body for glass, use of fluid inside the fuse body as damper, and or beeswax a la Audio Magic.

4. Some Aftermarket fuses address RFI/EMI using absorption materials either inside the fuse as with Audio Magic or outside the fuse body as with Synergistic Research (graphene).

5. Wire directionality plays a role in the SQ, too. As it would even with Joe Blow’s fuse, but it would be easier to hear the difference in direction with aftermarket fuses since they are are superior to begin with, you know in terms of conductivity, noise and distortion.

Geoff, note that he said "reasonable explanations."

Yes, I know. Please note that the explanations I listed are quite reasonable, at least to a reasonable person. In fact, I don’t think it would be going TOO FAR to say they are SO reasonable that it’s a confounding mystery why someone didn’t come up with aftermarket fuses prior to 20 YEARS AGO.

Geoff Kait

georgelofi wrote,

"No not shilling, just trying to keep things honest."

Good. Then you won’t mind answering a few questions.

1. do you think directionality of fuses is audible when used in speakers?

2. do you think there are audible differences among various mains cables themselves? How about among mains cable connectors?

3. do you think there are audible differences among various capacitors in the mains circuit?

4. are you aware that HiFi Tuning’s data sheets show differences in directionality in both measurements and audibility of fuses in AC circuits (as well as in DC circuits)? In other words, directionality of fuses in DC circuits is not really as controversial as uber skeptics like to believe or pretend to believe, whatever. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Then George wrote,

"You have yet to come up with any real explanations of why you firmly believe that mains fuses the magic cure and are immediately detected as being directional, and so can transform the sound of a system as you say."

to be honest I did not say any such thing. Please don’t put words in my mouth. Furthermore, there are many reasons why aftermarket fuses are superior to stock fuses (in sound quality), not only directionality. as I just got through explaining. But directionality is one of them.

bassdude wrote,

"These discussions of the perceived sound qualities of fuses and cables, etc. never cease to amaze and amuse me - passions are stirred and frustrations are aired, never with definitive resolution.

And... skeptices rely on science and engineering principles, while believers "hear what they hear.""

Actually it's that aftermarket fuse manufacturers rely on science and engineering principles while skeptics rely on gut reactions or they ignore science and engineering principles.

then bassdude wrote,

"I tried the Audio Horizons Platinum Reference fuse in my ARC Ref 3 Preamp and was able to discern, perhaps, a subtle difference... not really certain... it was so subtle."

Did you try the fuse both ways? Besides there are many perfectly good reasons why someone might not hear certain tweaks. One certainly cannot say based on your experience that aftermarket fuses are very subtle. Most people have entirely different results.

sorry geoff,

wolf_garcia +1

we now have a trifecta

Holy guacamole! A double bingo. What are the odds! Are you guys from the same holler?
