Trelja, I gather you live close to the Lafayette Hills section of the Philly burbs. I lived in the area for many years ... a long time ago. It's close to the Valley Green part of the Philly Fairmont Park.
I share your sentiments about the demise of B&M audio stores. Are you old enough to remember Music and Sound Ltd?? They started in Jenkintown, then moved to Willow Grove.
That's where I got my start in audio. M&S sold me a preowned Crown IC-150 and DC 300 set, and new Infinity 2000a sspeakers, w/ ESL tweeters. Had that stuff for 25 years.
M&S loved ARC gear. That's why I pick-up ARC gear again, some 35 years after my modest start.
Well the old days are gone and ain't coming back. Sigh!!
But hey ... many memories are easily retrieved ... I just pop a CD into the old CD player, or spin some old LPs. Right now I'm listening to The Best of Dion and the Belmonts CD. Takes me back.