Hi End Pre-Amp shoot out in central jersey?


I have recently heard the DarTZeel pre in my system as compared to my highly optioned MA1 MK3, and thought it might be interesting to compare a few pre-amps.

I would be interested in hearing the ARC Ref3, the Dart again, as well as the latest from BAT, Halcro etc. Any takers?

Might not be a scientific experiment, but we might have fun and learn a thing or two.



Showing 1 response by jim_swantko

05-18-09: Homosapien
Hi, Ron!
I live in Basking Ridge, and would like to take a part of the event, but I think that my Cary SLP-05 is not on the level you are interested in.
Thank you.

I think you may be surprised at how the SLP-05 does with this group... def take it!