hi-end in Spain

I am going to visit Barcelona for Easter, is there any Spanish hi-end fan to suggest me any Hi-end shops or clubs to visit ?

thanks in advance.
Try http://www.werner-musica.com/ one of the best hi-end spanish shops. They are located at Fontanella, 20 and phone number is 93 3021792.

Hope this helps.
Check the pages of "Alta Fidelidad" magazine, I buy it at
Borders. There are quite a few stores in Barcelona. Unfortunately my girlfriend threw away last issue so I can't supply any further information. You may want to check
on the international dealer for the brands that you like,
also try to search in Yahoo-Spain. It will be in Spanish so
you may want to try "Alta Fidelidad, Clubes de Audio, Equipos Estereofonicos" to do your search. Hope this helps. Hector Pedrosa, Esq.