I run a Theta DaViD with a Theta Casa-Nova into two Classe amps now. This has satisfied my craving to upgrade for quite some time. If I had the money however, I'd use the DaViD II into a Casa-Blanca II with extreme dacs then top it off with a Dreadnaught and a pair of Citadels.
Hi-end DVD/CD Machine vs. Hi-end CD Player/Transpo
Has anyone done any audio comparisons between hi-end DVD/CD players and hi-end CD players? Assuming that there is a compromise in the audio, just how much is it?
DVD/CD: Theta DaViD II, Proceed PMDT, Meridian 596...etc
CD: Cary 303/306, NuVista 3D, Electrocompanient, Levinson No39...etc
My listening room is set up for home theater, but I mostly listen to 2 ch stereo. Whenever I make a trade-off, it's in favor of 2-ch stereo. So I'm debating keeping Pioneer Elite as the DVD source and getting a good CD player or going the DVD/CD route. If I go DVD/CD, it will need to be upgradable to DVD-A/SACD some day. If I go with a good CD player now, later an upgrade to a DVD player with DVD-A and SACD (and presumably very good CD) with make purchasing a CD player now obsolete or at least redundant.
What do you think?
Theta Casanova
Dunlavy Cantatas
Aloia 13.01's vertical bi-amp
Looking out into the future there may be a 2ch pre-amp...
DVD/CD: Theta DaViD II, Proceed PMDT, Meridian 596...etc
CD: Cary 303/306, NuVista 3D, Electrocompanient, Levinson No39...etc
My listening room is set up for home theater, but I mostly listen to 2 ch stereo. Whenever I make a trade-off, it's in favor of 2-ch stereo. So I'm debating keeping Pioneer Elite as the DVD source and getting a good CD player or going the DVD/CD route. If I go DVD/CD, it will need to be upgradable to DVD-A/SACD some day. If I go with a good CD player now, later an upgrade to a DVD player with DVD-A and SACD (and presumably very good CD) with make purchasing a CD player now obsolete or at least redundant.
What do you think?
Theta Casanova
Dunlavy Cantatas
Aloia 13.01's vertical bi-amp
Looking out into the future there may be a 2ch pre-amp...