Hi end audio who cares

During the holidays i had alot of people over my house.
MY wife would insist that i play my stereo for these
people,why i do not know.

Here are some comments that i got(is that a bose)
(We have panasonic at home,we justlove it)
(how much you pay for all that stuff)
(why do you need such big speakers)

I did not one comment such as(wow thatsounds great)
Next time we have company i am hiding the power cords!

Showing 1 response by warrenh

Here's some other comments for ya. Can you relate?
Wow, how loud can that baby play?
How many watts?
Man is that clear.
Can you play that louder?
How much does that cost?
$1000 for speaker wires! You're insane.
I have Crown and JBL. What do you think of that?
Great bass!
Where's your bass and treble control?
You leave it on all the time? Man, that must cost you a fortune? You're not going to blow your amp out?

Just some of the reasons why I don't play my stereo for anyone anymore, unless I have to. I have had my share of acceptable comments, but the one I like best is, after listening to whatever I put on:
with a big fat smile and twinkle in those amazed eyes the words, "this sounds awesome" simply does it for me.