Hi end audio equip sounds better today than in decades past due to tech - T/F

I am in a hi-end audio store today, speaking with the owner, who has been in the audio business for almost 40 yrs. Super nice guy. Can talk up a storm - but as a good thing... where someone like me can learn a thing or two.

He said something that I found curious... audio equipment (pres, amps, rcvrs, speakers) sound better today than just 20 years ago, b/c ’they didn’t have the same technology back then we have today'. Why? Better materials, better components, better r/d... the stuff just sounds better in today’s world, he is telling me.

Coming from someone who doesn’t know any better.... is there any truth to this?

Showing 1 response by sugabooger

Low cost DACs made today are superior to those costing 10x, probably 25-50x what was available 20 years ago. Many expensive DACs are a step backward in performance though you may like the way it sounds.

It is surprising how good many low cost speakers are today.

Class-D has come of age and rivals the best amplifiers. You may not like it, but they work very well. Many are even doing that with switch mode power supplies.

Bass management and room correction has grown leaps and bounds with no cost increase.