hey besides exact audio copy...what about burning

ok most of us here in audiogon land agree/like exact audio copy as the best for getting a song from a cd to hard drive.yeah i'm on that bandwagon too ! sorry..ha ha :)

what oh what can satisfy an audiophile as have 'the best'/best sounding/most 'accurate' whatever 'cd burning engine' your recommendations.... :)

i'm babbling.yeah. but i'm thinking ala digital transport/dac sort of thing. extract with exact audio copy burn with ?? is there a program known for the quality(sound wise) of it's 'burned' disc ala eac is known for it's extraction skills. ??

and what about those pesky mp3 files/ what working in audiogon land for conversion to wave files or whatever?? am i making an sense?? and could someone ask these questions so i wouldn't have to. ha ha.... :)

ok it's junkfood and nap time for me.hoping for a reply or two.. :)

Showing 3 responses by deluxe

thank you ketchup :) :) maybe i'll grab some freebies programs/trials and have a listen off.

mp3's while yeah i know it's just athat i won a plyer very cheaply on ebay. and since my portable cd player died figured i'd try...

i have some prog on comp called/listed 'flac front end' but i haven't really tried it. i just needed it to decode a file.i haven't tried any encoding.nor tested with any wave vs. comparsion myself.but all i've read about it has been glowing and you agree it's good so maybe flac is another bandwagon i should get on. :)

feurio. ah, those germans. :)

'mp3's they sound terrible even on a crappy car radio' let's but that the box of the next round of dvd's,portable etc. ha ha. :)

mp3's if the person encoded with lame of that fraunhofer(sp?) codec ther's a chance you may get something good/decent but aside from that...well most people don't care how something sounds.just as long as htere's sound..

i've used feurio(1.66) and it soooo much better sounding than nero(5.whatever that's also still on my comp) so i guess evry burn engine has something ah 'diffrent' up it's sleeve.so....

thanks for your words/kindness ketchup.thank you... :)
rsbeck.wi-fi darn i'm behind. yeah i've heard that term but i'm broke so i never read the articles. yikes. ha.....

yep hard drives. :) and i need a new one too.

thanks for your reply rsbeck! :)
gosh i'm going to check on that wireless stuff.cool. rsbeck your idea of paying someone to rip cds brillant.maybe we could start an 'audiophile'company,and ah chatge.yeah that's it.cool you know i could do that my mental age is about 11 and i'd love the money...

edesilva hmm i've read of other getting better results with varible before.maybe that's *another*thing i'll try.learing. :)

ah i need another hard drive !!!! thanks everyone :)