Herron VTPH-2 Phono Preamp

I have a few questions for those of you who own/or have owned the Herron VTPH-2 Phono Preamp.

1) If you have sold it.....what was it that seemed to be lacking that made you decide to sell it? What did you move on to?

2) If you still have it, what are its most enduring traits that you love about it?

3) Has anyone compared it to any of the Klyne phono stages and what were your impressions of the comparison?

Thanks much!

Showing 5 responses by dodgealum

I am using a ATOC9MLII. I don't recall the output but I am using the tube set in my Herron for low gain--mostly because I have very high efficiency speakers.
I've had my VTPH-2 for over two years now. It will be my last phonostage. While there is much to commend--ease of use, flexibility, rugged build quality, backed by one of the best guys in audio, ETC the best thing about it is that it simply sounds like music to my ears.
The best way to find out more about the VTPH-2 is to give Keith a call. Not only will you find out more that you will ever want to know about the unit but you will learn a few things as well. And you will find out why Keith has so many loyal customers--it is not about selling gear but about sharing the joy of hi fidelity. And Chuck--the VTSP-3AR02 is every bit as good as the VTPH-2--perhaps better. A truly reference class product that disappears and lets the music live and breath in your home.
Noregrets, the two things to keep in mind are cartridge output and speaker sensitivity--let both of these drive your decision on the gain for your phonostage.

Using the Modwright KWA150SE with my Herron stuff upstream. The Modwright is easily the best sounding amp I have owned--very refined and musical to my ears. This is the amp that Lou recommends with my Daedalus speakers and I am glad he turned me on to it. I will say, however, that the Herron monos do tempt given the sound quality of the VTSP-3ARO2 and VTPH-2. I am hoping to get a listen someday and ideally compare them with my Modwright. For now though I am happy with my setup and expect the Modwright will stay in the lineup for the forseeable future.