Herron VTPH-2 MC Loading Plugs

During this period of social distancing, I thought I would take the time and build a few loading resistors for my Herron phono stage. A couple of questions.
1) Do I merely solder a resistor between the center pin and ground of the rca plug?
2) If I want a 100 ohm load, do I simply purchase a 100 ohm resistor?
3) Other than the resistance value, what other resistor parameters should I look for? i.e. 5w, 10w , 1% tolerance etc
4) Will the type/manufacture/quality of resistor matter? Is the resistor in the signal path?

5) Does the quality of the rca plug matter?
6) Any other suggestion?

Showing 1 response by almarg

1) Yes.

2) Yes.

3) 1% is probably a good idea, to keep the loading on the two channels matched. Also, the resistor doesn't have to be rated to handle significant power, and choosing one rated at 1/8 watt or even less would be fine. For example, if the cartridge puts out 0.5 mv a 100 ohm resistor would be dissipating (consuming) 0.0000000025 watts!

4a) I suspect so.
4b) Yes.

5) My guess is yes.

6) No. When I purchased my VTPH-2 I had Keith supply me with 1K plugs in addition to the 47K plugs he normally supplies. After performing some comparisons I ended up using no loading plugs. This is with an AT-ART9 cartridge.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al