Herbie’s Super Black Hole CD Mat - Wow!

I just received the Herbie’s Audio Lab Super Black Hole CD mat in mail. It’s a little black disc that fits atop a CD which has silicon on one side (the side that touches the CD) and carbon fiber on the top. I’ve only listened to a few songs (electronic genre) and my first impression was simply “Wow!” I’m hearing so much further into the recording. I’m hearing the ambience much better. Notes have more texture. Imaging seems to have improved. On one track, there is a sound that is panned to the right and repeats three times. I thought it was identical on each note, but with the CD mat it’s easy to hear that on the second note, it actually moves 6 inches towards the center of the soundstage and then back out to the right. It’s always fun to rediscover your music when you find a tweak you enjoy. 
From their website, this is how they say it works:

“By reducing micro-vibration in the CD spin during playback, laser-reading error is potentially reduced. (Error correction in audio CD discs is not perfect; it is algorithm-based "guessing," not binary like in data CDs). By damping the disc/clamp interface, micro-vibrations generated by spinning discs are hindered, keeping them from permeating throughout the player where capacitors, op-amps, micro-processors, and other sensitive parts can be adversely affected.”

I can’t confirm whether or not that’s the whole story to how it works, but I’m convinced it does something amazing. I will report back after I listen to some more music of other genres.

Showing 14 responses by oregonpapa

Mkgus ...

After getting really excellent results from Herbie's tube dampeners, I decided to try the Black Hole. I heard no difference. I set the Black Hole aside and haven't used it for a couple of years. Now that the system is tweaked to the nines, I'll try it again to see if I can discern a difference. 

I'm also using Herbie's feet under the CD player to good effect. 

I have the small Herbie's Black Hole mat. It was Herbie's latest mat at the time.  It has never come off during play. I'll try it again tonight and report back tomorrow. 

hifiman5 ...

It's the "Super Black Hole CD Mat. I'll be trying it out in about an hour or so. I haven't tried it for a couple of years now, and that was long before the majority of the latest tweaks were installed. 

My friend Robert came over last night and we gave the Herbie's "Super Black Hole CD Mat" a workout. We a/b/a tested a number of CDs. In each case, the Herbie's mat degraded the sound. It had a dulling effect, in that the highs were obscured, and a veil was placed over the entire presentation.  It took the life out of the music. 

I was somewhat disappointed, in that, I'm using Herbie's tube dampeners throughout the system, and Herbie's feet under the CD player, both to good effect. I'm a big fan of Herbie's tube dampeners. 


lak ...

You're welcome, Lak. 

The last time I tried the Herbie's mat, I had yet to install PPT's "The Gate," their "Stop Its," and the SR "Orange" fuses. I didn't detect the shortcomings of Herbie's mat listed above. In fact, I reported at the time that there was no effect at all, either good or bad. With the latest upgrades, the system is much higher in resolution, and the drawbacks of the mat could clearly be heard. 

These comments apply to my system only. The Herbie's mat may offer an improvement in a system that is overly "hot" in the highs where glare needs to be tamed. Or, perhaps with recordings that have that digital glare we all detest. In these circumstances, the Herbie's mat may make a perceived improvement.  For me, it goes into the box of "tweaks that don't work." 

Again ... Herbie's tube dampeners are a "must-have." They were a very significant improvement over the stock dampening rings supplied with the electronics as they came from ARC. 

fleschler ...

Hi, Steve ...

Try to set some time aside and come up to hear the system. Also, Robert tells me your new listening room is really ... really good.

Just sent my Herbie’s Black Hole CD mat to a member up in Canada. Hopefully, it will work better up in the wasteland of the frozen north than it did down here in fiery Southern California.

ricevs ... 

I'm using a modified Pioneer Elite DVD player with upgraded caps to play my CD's now.

 I have taken the lid off and completely pasted the inside of the player with PPT's Total Contact, including the entire underside of the lid. It has PPT's Omega E Mats sitting underneath it and PPT's Alpha Cards on top.

The stock feet have been removed, being replaced with Herbie's Tenderfeet.

The ICs were built by Von Gaylord. It is Von Gaylord's "Legend" series.

The power cord is an SR Level III that is plugged into a tricked-out Sound Application power conditioner that has been completely pasted on the inside with PPT's Total Contact, including the entire underside of the lid.
The power conditioner is plugged into receptacles that have been treated with TC as well.

I use a simple, cheap eyeglass cleaner (Walmart under $4.00)  to clean the CDs prior to playing them using a micro-fiber cloth ... and then zap them with an old Radio Shack VCR demagnetizer. 

This DVD player, with all of the above options, just kicks butt. 

ricevs ...

Mas and I have had some really good listening sessions at my place. He's a super guy who has a critical ear. I'm looking forward to his next visit. 

The "platform" the player sits on is a custom rack, made up of three layers of plywood, with dampening material between each layer. The rack is spiked through the carpet to the floor. It was one of my first "tweaks" in the attempt to reduce/eliminate micro-vibrations. You can see the rack on my equipment page.

Yup ... there's cable risers now that were not present on the virtual systems page. There's felt around the speaker drivers that have TC applied to them. Also, all outside edges of the speaker drivers have been pasted with TC too. :-)


I forgot to mention that the modified DVD player I'm using has had one of the new Synergistic Research ORANGE fuses installed with outstanding results. Highly recommended.

Enid Lumley  ... Now there's a name from the past. I used to enjoy reading her articles on tweaks. She was one of the people that made me a believer. 

ieales ...

  • "Enid Lumley - I’ll never forget the first thing I read of hers. I thought "Now there’s a looney!"
Yep, that was my take too ... until I started experimenting with tweaks myself.


jetter ...

  • "Franks probably wondering what type of batteries she had in the flashlight. LOL

It was a secret held tightly by Enid and HP ... They were orange.