Herbie's Hal-O tube dampener's on Calypso?

Looking for input from people using these on their pre's.

I know they're inexpensive, just don't wanna waste my money if they don't make any positive improvements.

Gain stage, output stage or both?

Unit sits on Aurios Pro's with 5/8" tungsten carbide balls.


Showing 2 responses by jadem6

Hi Perfecto man,

I just received four of Herbie's tube dampers a couple weeks ago. This is the first of the four products I have tried that were a step forward. The others gave me little or no improvement and the Mapleshade brass dampers were horrible. You will be happy I think. Overall they just add one more layer of naturalness.
Mr. man of no mistakes; I think the feeling of closed in may be an illusion created through a rounder more human image to the edge of instruments and voices on the soundstage. With the dampers there is a slight lessening of the "cut out" appearance of the soundstage. I simply put on all four at once, and spent no time trying to decide if one set of tubes was better than the other. I did try moving them on the tube and per the instructions you will receive, I found them best at the top 1/3 and actually just below the silver cap line.