Henry Kloss, Tomlinson Holman, Saul, and others?

Hi all,

Any stories you have to share of some of the great pioneers of the audio industry? Many were somewhat, well different than the norm.

Story goes that Henry and Paul Land were good friends and liked to invent things late at night?

Meet a great Danish furniture designer named Hans Wegner once and he was most proud of the fact that his designs kept many families feed...
I also met Saul Marantz about that time but can't recall much about it , there were several other people there in the room then and the conversation was general. I can recall a long conversation with Stewart Hegeman which occurred at a Chicago hifi show in the middle 60s; he was doing a demo of his Citation 1&2 with AR 3s. He was convinced that most if not all of the competition in amplifiers was markedly inferior to HK. Fisher "made good tuners" etc. He thought his wide band approach was the correct one and had little patience which anyone who didn't.
i met Saul Marantz at the summer ces in 1976 at the Dahlqiust room. he was hanging blankets on the large mirrors in the suite. he was very nice and sharing. i was a 23 year old hifi salesman and he talked to me for several minutes[ i was the only person in the room] and demoed a pair of stacked dq10s with mcintosh gear. great memory.
The greats of the industry would not be welcomed on today's high-end forums. I wonder what they would think of the entire 'high-end' audio scene.