Helping friends/relatives with system purchases, your experience.

Throughout the years I have helped some friends and realitives with system/component purchases.  I/we have had very good success and through this happiness. I, however, have heard of some negative results in trying to be of assistence in helping others.  My very best friend and my sister have been good examples of the help working well for all.  How has your esperience(s) been? 



Showing 1 response by kijanki

I wouldn't.  Not only that sound is very subjective, but also you might be engaged forever or even blamed when something goes wrong, or when they hear better sounding system in friends home (what a shame  :) ).  It is a little bit like recommending stocks to friends - it won't end well.  My friend asked me once for advice.  I spent time looking for best possible solution, but he didn't listen and did it his way.