Help with tube choice

I need help choosing an E88CC/6DJ8 tube for my headphones/preamp.    I know Siemens, Telefunken, etc, but I'm looking for people who use the E88CC/6DJ8 and have heard of tubes, im open to any tube, i only have a $125 budget for a pair.


I like a warm sound but not too warm, good bass, and magic in the midrange with a sparkle on top, don't we all want that?  Shoot me the best tubes you use in this group; there are too many to choose from, and my budget makes it difficult.




Showing 6 responses by audiomike33

Yeah i know about those read some reviews but way over the budget, there like $300 a pair.

Thanks guys I'm going to talk to Brent and see what he's got for me in my price range.

Hey thanks I spoke to Brent great guy definitely knows his stuff and the guy that recommended the bugle boys nailed it that's exactly what he told me to get to start out with he said The Next Step Up would be amerex gold pin.  I'm going to get one of these pair of tubes not sure which one but one of them.

Yeah I was interested in some reflector tubes they seem to get good reviews and they're not that pricey most of that stuff come from Ukraine you're right and with the war going on it just takes forever.

Ok, i will try some Jan Philips 6922s if there reasonably priced.

I will look into Ness Tones, never heard of it but i will check it out.



I have heard of JJ and they're not very expensive.  Lots of great choices you guys have given me.  It's really kind of overwhelming so so many tubes.  I don't expect to nail it on the first buy, i will have to roll for sure.

I think in the amp I'm getting the E88cc/6922 will have the most impact on the sound.