Help with the MC-1 Part 2 Please Read

hey guys i have a dc-1 and a proceed hpa-2 the proceed amp
has a switch(2 actually) that lets me choose between rca and balanced inputs could i not buy a proceed,levinson or wadia cd player with balanced outs and a volume control and bypass the lexicon completely by moving the switches on the amp from rca to balanced? Correct me if im wrong but dosent the dc-1, mc-1 convert all inputs to digital and have a digital volume control. some of the options above seem like they would be running the siginal from the source to the mc-1 where it gets digitized (with the poor lexicon dacs)then converted back to analog then sent on to a seperate preamp, by then has the damage not already been done? Im going to post this message as a seperate post because i would really like some clarification on this question.
Thanks Lee Ross
for those of you reading this from the new post the original question was ask on 3-17 with the subject of
Help with Lexicon MC1

Showing 1 response by sfinnell

Your response is true. The Lexicon converts all signals to digital and processes them, then converts back to analog, I have both a DC-1 and a MC-1, and both convert all signals. Bypass the lexicon completely if you want the cd player to do the only conversion.