Help with speaker choice

I'm looking to replace my Totem Acoustic Hawks with something that offers heftier bass and more airy highs. The Hawk is an overall great performer with wonderful midrange and surprisingly deep bass for its small footprint, but I'm ready for a more powerful and more sophisticated replacement. I listen exclusively to records, mostly jazz and some rock, and use a solid state 2x50 watt amp, which will also be replaced at some point by a more powerful amp.

I'm looking for speakers that cost up to $5000. The 4 speakers I'm currently considering are:

1. Acoustic Zen Adagio
2. VMPS RM30
3. Vandersteen 3A
4. Silverline Sonatina III

I've only been able to listen to the Vandersteens and I do like the sound quite a lot. I think it's a great speaker for the money, but I've also heard great things about the other speakers. If anyone can offer advice or owns or heard the other performers, I'd really appreciate their feedback.

Showing 1 response by kijanki

Check Hyperion HPS-938 reviews. It had a lot of "Editor's Choice" awards (about 10) and even "Component of the Decade" from Enjoy the Music. It is very resolving and dynamic but at the same time laid back and relaxed. I cannot find CDs that sounds bad with them (warm and musical). Imaging is very good and the midrange is incredible.

New is about $5k - I bought recently 6 month old dealer demo for $3k. Used (without warranty) are even less.

It is also quite efficient (90dB) and delivers a little more power because of 6 ohm impedance.

Unfortunately it is very ugly IMHO (resembles coffin) but you might like it.