Help with Rosinante Speakers

Does anyone have any information on how I could contact Ric Cummins, the designer and builder of the Rosinante speakers? I have lost touch with him as the result of a hard drive failure with no data backups. His phone # and email addresses were there. The Roomlens web site is no longer operating.

I need to get in touch with him for advice on replacing blown speakers in a pair of his Evolution Signatures. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by sgbaird

Thanks everyone. Sorry Tomryan, one of the speakers has had the drivers removed. These, specifically are what I need:
tweeterÂ….. Focal TC90TDX
midbassÂ… Focal 7V014DBL

Since both are discontinued items, I am thinking about looking for substitutes that would be close to the performance of the originals, and replace all drivers in both speakers. Do you think this would work?