Help with purchase of power conditioner

Hello, Ive recently been looking into buying a power conditioner but I don't know much about them. My budget is limited to 300 dollars new or used. My setup is as follows

Fronts: Paradigm mini monitors
Center: Paradigm studio cc
Surrounds: Paradigm ADP 350
Sub: Paradigm PW 2200
sony dvd player(budget player)
Onkyo Integra dtr-7 reciever
monster cable interconnects and speaker cables
Old magnavox 27" tv(next upgrade)

I've never had any experience with power conditioners and would really appreciate your input.

Showing 5 responses by psychicanimal

Sugarbrie is almost right on the money. Look in e-Bay for "true isolation power conditioner"; Seller is David Riddle. It is a used Power Var 400W isolation transformer you can buy for $55. Davis has lots of those. I have one, so does Sedond and Audiojerry. Keep your digital stuff plugged there.

You'll have money left for a Tice A/V Solo. Plug your TV to it and watch that TPT treated power cord bring magic to your video picture! Don't buy Vans Evers--they'r a rip off. I saw the insides of a Reference Digital 12 and it's a joke...a very expensive one.


The Psychic
Psyched out for a capacitor? No. It's the "switch" that doesn't switch anything in or out, and is just a bundle of wires running in parallel...

Like shampoos and cosmetics, the case is the most expensive component!

Isolation transformers will get you much farther--I recently bought a 3000W ONEAC 220V beast for less than what a Vans Evers ref 12 costs...

Sorry Rigo, I don't mean to confuse you, but I've been heavily studying and practicing this topic and consider myself qualified to speak up. If you get a $55 Power Var and a Tice A/V Solo you'll get really decent HT performance. The TPT treatment *does* increase depth in TV picture--give it a shot.


The Psychic
Quote: "Those switches (two of them) on the Vansevers Reference conditioners that "don't do anything" are transient impedance switches. They are for tweeking the transients of the high and mid treble."

Sugarbrie: that's Vans Evers copywriting! Open the thing and see the emperor's new clothes for yourself...

Zaikesman: not everything that is transformer based will automatically work right. However, if properly executed they're a very effective solution. My 3000W ONEAC 220V beast works does my Power Var (just my DAC is plugged to it). As for TPT, it is not for surge protection. It is a materials treatment Tice has designed. Sort of a very powerful cable cooker. It works. I have talked with George Tice several times--he's a very forward and helpful person. The reason he has not patented TPT is that if he does he would have to reveal the process and then he'd only get a few years of protection. Also, he's a small time operator w/out the financial resources to chase everyone who would infringe on his patent rights. Tice has a 30 day money back guarantee--buy a TPT treated power cord and try it in your system. Plug your TV to it and watch...

Sean: my CDP and tuner don't like each other, too. Also, my DAC is the worst polluter in my system. It throws a lot of noise back in the power line.
Quote: "All you have done is look inside and saw some wire you can't explain. Since the Digital 12 does not have screws to open the case, it would indicate you must have pried it open (broke it) to look inside. You would then unable to put the case back together properly, so it must now be unusable."

I did not purchase the unit. Someone who's very knowledgable in these forums, electronics and really up to date on line conditioners showed me the unit...

All you have to do is purchase a Tice power cord or interconnect--it has a 30 day money back guarantee. I think TPT is a cable cooking process. As for myself, I am definitely going to get a 10-12 ft stretch of 8 ga TPT treated cord and make my own power strip.
Sek, There's several Tice A/V Solo conditioners for sale in the Audiogon classifieds...the improvement brought in TV picture is stunning.