Help with Pono?

Can anyone help me get my Pono to load music onto the SD card? I've written to the Pono Help folks 4 times now and the problem still isn't solved (they seem pretty clueless). Maybe I just don't understand how to do this. The tutorial video seems to imply that when loading music, I can drag files to the SD card, but the SD card isn't showing up near the place on the lower left of the screen where I drag and drop files to the Pono itself, which has worked find.

FWIW, I'm pretty impressed with this thing otherwise. Sounds a lot better than my old iPod or newer iPhone. I'm really surprise so many people haven been negative about this thing. Although I definitely think their communication with customers and instructions for how to get the most out of it need to be improved.

Showing 4 responses by tpy

Thanks. I know that Pono is compatible with my operating system. I tried connecting the Pono while it was on and that didn't do anything different. I like the idea of putting music on the SD card independent of Pono by transferring files to it, but it's a micro SD card and my iMac doesn't have an interface to plug one that small into. I would imagine there must be an adapter of some sort I could use. Could I put it into my printer and get it to read that way?

My understanding is that there is supposed to be a some sort of symbol for the SD card at the lower left part of the screen, where there's a box with Pono written and a downward pointing arrow (for downloads) which is where I drop files to load them onto the player itself. But I don't see anything. But it may be that I'm not understanding how it ought to work.

Many thanks for your suggestions!
I'm pretty unsophisticated about computers and am not sure what you mean by a file system, or ext4, or how I would install that. Do you mean I would install it onto the micro SD card, or onto the Pono unit itself?
Thanks to all for your suggestions. I was able to make it work by transferring from my music NAS to the pono disk without using the pono softward, as Cerrot suggested. Now all is fine.

Ozzy, buying music from the Pono site doesn't require a pono player. You can buy just as from any site, but you do need to install the Pono software to download the music -- and then transfer to whatever folders you use for your music library. It's pretty intuitive, even I was able to figure it out. There may be other ways to download, but I'm pretty sure you need the Pono software, which if free.

fwiw, Neil's high rez albums are consistently very good, nice improvements over CD.