The AT ART9 is up there with most of the $5k carts. The ZYX line of carts have a magical soundstage but they always sacrifice midrange palpability in their presentation. Lyra is good but Kleos is the minimum candidate to compare with a ART9. I will personally prefer the ART9 over kleos for its utmost honesty to the recordings. It is the only cart I have heard that disappears.
Help with picking the right phono pre for the rest of my system please!
I'll try to make this short yet detailed enough for folks to weigh in properly. This group is honestly the most knowledgeable and helpful I've found anywhere, so I really wanted to get this out there and see what people here recommend before I spend more cash!
I need advice on a phono pre, please! The local shop (I bought local brick/mortar as I am trying to support that whenever I can) is super knowledgeable about analog so I trust their judgement, but my choices on phono pre's from them is quite limited, in particular with Audio Research in a model cross-over point with the PH6 and PH8 discontinued, which they no longer have in stock for me to demo.
Here's what I currently have in the rest of my system:
I just ordered a VPI Signature (Black Friday) deal which comes with the 3D printed tone arm and the SDS speed control module. It's my very first turntable and foray into vinyl, and I didn't want to start small as I knew I would just want something better if I started with a $1000 table. My research and a few buddies tell me this VPI is a very good start and could theoretically be my last turntable/tone arm.
As a cart, the shop recommended and has on hand (important so I can listen to vinyl soon!) a Dynavector 20x2 MEDIUM, which I guess is not very common, and kind of sits in a weird spot given it's output. But the recommendations of it being very musical seem to be a good place for me to start at $1k (and upgrade from later if desired). I heard the combo at the shop and it sounded fantastic, albeit going through a higher-end Audio Research pre-/phono stage, and with my PrimaLuna HP amp driving top-end B&W 803 diamonds.
In my system I'm feeding a recently purchased (same) PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium HP integrated, which I've upgraded all tubes on to KT120s and upgraded 12AU7s. It is absolutely stunning driving my Zu Soul Supremes. I mean the best my system has ever sounded. To add to my love of the amp, it has a built-in headphone amp running off the same tube stages that is driving my Audeze LCD-3s unbelievably well--so well that I'm going to sell my Auralic Taurus Mk II headphone amp. Because I listen to headphones quite a bit, and I'm so happy with my speaker output to boot, I want to make sure I put the right investment into the vinyl side up front.
My digital front end is an Aurender N100 feeding a Schiit Yggy, which I can't recommend enough. That combo smokes everything else I've had in my system, and there have been some decent to great DACs over the years. The combination is causing me to spend more on my analog front end because I know if the vinyl doesn't beat it regularly, I will spin less vinyl in lieu of the more convenient and excellent sounding digital.
So, here's what I have as options for immediate demo and purchase from a phono pre perspective:
As I think ahead to a lower output MC cartridge in the next couple of years, I'm nervous about getting too invested in a phono pre that doesn't have enough gain for the rest of my system and a low output MC cart. As I understand it, the PH line may limit me there and require I get a really expensive preamp with more gain at that point?
So, what other phono pre's should I consider in the $2-5K range (preferably used prices for a better value) that won't be a gamble with my system synergy, and best case also help future proof me?
BTW, I love musical and big sound stage with tonal midrange bloom over detail and "hi-fi" sound and/or insane bass. I would definitely say I'm a "tube guy" over SS in amps, but I've also read that maybe a solid state phono pre is better match with a tube amp to maximize the benefit of great vinyl.
Help please!
Thank you, Jay
I need advice on a phono pre, please! The local shop (I bought local brick/mortar as I am trying to support that whenever I can) is super knowledgeable about analog so I trust their judgement, but my choices on phono pre's from them is quite limited, in particular with Audio Research in a model cross-over point with the PH6 and PH8 discontinued, which they no longer have in stock for me to demo.
Here's what I currently have in the rest of my system:
I just ordered a VPI Signature (Black Friday) deal which comes with the 3D printed tone arm and the SDS speed control module. It's my very first turntable and foray into vinyl, and I didn't want to start small as I knew I would just want something better if I started with a $1000 table. My research and a few buddies tell me this VPI is a very good start and could theoretically be my last turntable/tone arm.
As a cart, the shop recommended and has on hand (important so I can listen to vinyl soon!) a Dynavector 20x2 MEDIUM, which I guess is not very common, and kind of sits in a weird spot given it's output. But the recommendations of it being very musical seem to be a good place for me to start at $1k (and upgrade from later if desired). I heard the combo at the shop and it sounded fantastic, albeit going through a higher-end Audio Research pre-/phono stage, and with my PrimaLuna HP amp driving top-end B&W 803 diamonds.
In my system I'm feeding a recently purchased (same) PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium HP integrated, which I've upgraded all tubes on to KT120s and upgraded 12AU7s. It is absolutely stunning driving my Zu Soul Supremes. I mean the best my system has ever sounded. To add to my love of the amp, it has a built-in headphone amp running off the same tube stages that is driving my Audeze LCD-3s unbelievably well--so well that I'm going to sell my Auralic Taurus Mk II headphone amp. Because I listen to headphones quite a bit, and I'm so happy with my speaker output to boot, I want to make sure I put the right investment into the vinyl side up front.
My digital front end is an Aurender N100 feeding a Schiit Yggy, which I can't recommend enough. That combo smokes everything else I've had in my system, and there have been some decent to great DACs over the years. The combination is causing me to spend more on my analog front end because I know if the vinyl doesn't beat it regularly, I will spin less vinyl in lieu of the more convenient and excellent sounding digital.
So, here's what I have as options for immediate demo and purchase from a phono pre perspective:
- used Audio Research PH3SE for $1250, which has already been input matched (soldered!) to the cartridge I'm buying--I'm expecting to like it as I've heard it kind of gives a "vintage" sound which I think might sound great with my Zu's, but obviously worried it might not be enough performance in relative terms
- SimAudio Moon 5.3 with external power supply (guessing around $2K)--I'm expecting it to be great given the reviews, but I have found SimAudio stuff a little dry and down-the-middle for my tastes in the past (I ran an I7 integrated for a couple of years and never totally fell in love with it in spite of it's tremendous performance)
- crap, that's it!
As I think ahead to a lower output MC cartridge in the next couple of years, I'm nervous about getting too invested in a phono pre that doesn't have enough gain for the rest of my system and a low output MC cart. As I understand it, the PH line may limit me there and require I get a really expensive preamp with more gain at that point?
So, what other phono pre's should I consider in the $2-5K range (preferably used prices for a better value) that won't be a gamble with my system synergy, and best case also help future proof me?
BTW, I love musical and big sound stage with tonal midrange bloom over detail and "hi-fi" sound and/or insane bass. I would definitely say I'm a "tube guy" over SS in amps, but I've also read that maybe a solid state phono pre is better match with a tube amp to maximize the benefit of great vinyl.
Help please!
Thank you, Jay