help with phono pre amp questions/stylus

are the moving coils that much better than the moving magnets (vpihwIII & fr64fx). also i want to use a tube phono but the mc versions are out of site on price (i am being cheap). there are many more reasonalbly priced mm tube phono pre's. can i use a ss head amp into the tube pre and still maintain the quality of the tube unit? any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Showing 1 response by ivanj

Jvr, You have a nice front end. It is especially suited for handling a proper (low output) moving coil of low compliance. I believe that a good tranformer into a tube phono section or a good SS phono preamp into a tube line stage (my personal choice) would be ideal. I like the Linto and the Pass phono stages. What other components, music tastes, and room are you working with?