Help with OL-Tonearm and Cartridge.

I am in the process of shopping for a tonearm/cartridge and have heard good things about the REGA arms. These get very favorable comments from the user community once origin live performs modifications to the arm.

I have been researching tonearms and found that Origin Live has introduced their own arm. Its called the OL 250 Silver Tonearm and comes it two flavors. I was hoping someone could give me any insight as to what they have heard or experienced about this arm. How do you think this arm compares with the stock REGA arms? How would it compare with the Graham or SME arms?

My goal is to pair an arm up with a MC cartridge. Assuming that my phono stage has a high gain (68dB)output, what output cartridge voltage would be better and why? Would it be better to pair up a higher output MC cartridge, for example 0.8mv, with this gain stage as opposed to going with the really low output cartridges?

Is there really a noticeable difference between MC or MM cartridges in sound?



Showing 1 response by tazuser

The phono stage is an EAR834P Tube phono stage that I am considering using. It comes with the option of a volume control which I am leaning towards. I like the volume control because it gives me the flexibility of using it without the preamp.

Pctower, The 68dB gain is just from the MC section of this phono stage. You have to option of running this through a preamp, but I am not sure what effect that will have with a volume control on the Phono stage itself.

The Origin Live Silver 250 has a sliding infinitely adjustable VTA, unlike the Rega arms. I agree that the Rega arms sound like a nightmare to setup.

With regard to azimuth, I am not sure how you would adjust a parameter like this. If the cartridge is installed properly to a level tonearm on a level armboard, and the turntable is also level; I would think that by default the cartridge should be perpendicular to the record. If it's not then there is a possibility that your armboard may not be level. Perhaps I do not really have a grasp on azimuth.

So with a 68dB gain on just the phono preamplification can I run this directly to an amplifier with a low output MC cartridge? Whats a good range to consider?
