Help with hiss

Hello Friends,

My speakers have developed an audible hiss that I am trying to chase down. The hiss can be heard from across the room and while music is being played. Sometimes, the hiss is pulsating and sometimes constant. It occurs at all hours, perhaps less so in the early morning. Sometimes there is no hiss at all and everything is silent. It is an intermittent issue that is unpredictable.

My speakers are powered by mono block amplifiers. Both speakers exhibit the exact same behavior. The monos are plugged directly into the wall outlet. I also plugged them into a PS Audio AV Power Center with no relief. I changed power cords with no relief. No other piece of gear is on, although all are plugged in and some are in standby. I turned one mono off of course stopping the hiss in that speaker. The other continued to hiss. In reverse, same result.

This is not a “hum” (like from a ground loop). It is the same hiss that you can hear with your ear next to the tweeter but much louder.

I’m happy to answer any questions at all to help me resolve this. Thank you in advance.



Showing 2 responses by campoly

I have an Odyssey Audio Stratos. For 20 yrs it was dead quiet. In 2021, I sent it to Odyssey for a Kismit upgrade. It came back with a hiss in the speakers and transformer hum. I sent it back (almost $300 in shipping by now). They said that they replaced everything. When it came back, it still had hum and hiss problems albeit at a lower volume but hiss nonetheless. I gave up on it an bought new amps from a different manufacturer and I’m hum and hiss free again. Now the Odyssey just sits on the floor at the back of my room…just sitting there…mocking me every time I walk by :_

BTW, it always had bias issues. It was always a crap shoot as which side the center image would be leaning.

@2psyop, Yep. Similar experience. For the year I had the upgrade, it was there longer than it was at my place. Straight answers were hard to come by but excuses and non-answers were easy to come by. I hope this isn’t the same for OP. I chalked it up to experience. Lesson learned. I’ve moved on.