Help with final choice of efficient speakers

I have had a lot of good advice before, so I am hoping for some more. I have been looking for about a year for my final set of moderately efficient box speakers. I am afraid I am not a fan of horn speakers.

My current system:
TW Accustic Raveon one/ortofon 309D/Benz Micro L
Resolution Audio Opus 21/GNSC upgraded
Viva Solista 845 SET integrated
Acoustic Zen Adagio
Pure Power APS power regenerator

I listen to most musical Genres, but particularly Classical, Opera, blues and Jazz. I am looking for a musical sound at the expense of some colouration if necessary, rather than an ultra detailed, neutral, HiFi sound.
The Solista puts out only 22 watts, but it happily drives the 89db Adagios. They are excellent speakers, but I am looking for more.
The speakers need to be solid wood or veneer and reasonably compact, to keep my wife happy.

I have listened to
Zingali can't remember model, diasappointing
Art Deco 8/9 signature, very nice indeed, but painted
Guru 10/60, can not fit in with positioning
Coincident Victory, suprisingly disappointing, may have been set up
Tannoy Westminster, too big
Zu definition
Peak Consult Empress, a bit flat and unenvolving
Devore Fidelity Gibbon 9, very good

What I am left with at the moment are Devore Fidelity Gibbon 9's, which I thought were very good indeed. Great imaging, base, a neutral unfatiguing, detailed sound, from a pretty ordinary looking small box. The alternative, which I have'nt heard yet, is a pair of Daedalus Da-rma standmounts or DA 1.1 floorstanders. The top of the line Ulysses are just a bit too big for my room.

I doubt if anyone has compared these speakers, if so, I would like your opinion. If not, the views of anyone who uses either speaker would be good. Thankyou

Showing 2 responses by 4musica44107

As much as I love the Devore Gibbon 9's, and since you liked those, I suggest you audition the new Devore Gibbon 3XL's with a good sub-based system (e.g., REL B2). I believe you will find that the 3XL/B2 combination will significantly outperform the 9's for somewhat less money. And the 3XL's are quite a bit more efficient than the 9's. Good luck!

I agree with Jazdoc's impression of the DeVore 9's as being slightly on the polite side of perfect neutrality. And they image very well as do all of the DeVore speakers. But what sets apart the Gibbon 3XL's from ALL other DeVore speakers is their complete departure from politeness. They are a whole new animal in terms of sound for the DeVore line while at the same time retaining DeVore's wonderful imaging qualities. I think you would be astonished at the difference from the 9's. I even prefer the Gibbon 3XL/REL B2 combination over the DeVore Silverbacks, which retail for nearly $17K per pair!