Help with Audio Jigsaw Puzzle Please

I have a very small room (10x10) that could use a secondary system.  I just stream.  I have a smattering of existing unused equipment, and with the rapid introduction of new multiple-things-in-one products, I am not sure how best to finish off a system.  Emphasis on sound quality first, then simplicity and flexibility. I want to spend no more than $2K, but would go higher for really good solution.  The puzzle pieces:

Assume streaming only.

I have an unused Bryston BDP-1 STREAMER (no DAC or Pre).  Old but good sounding streamer (a little clunky to configure and use).

I have unused Elac Navis ARB51 powered speakers - quite good for their size/price in wired connection mode.
I have an unused higher end Lampizator DAC (no volume contol).  

I don't have a preamp (I do - a brand new ARC 6se - but it is for sale and would be overkill for this system)

(I also don't have Roon core.  I like Roon, but can stream Tidal or Qobuz through the Bryston and may forego yet another link in chain (Roon core)).

What to do, what to do.  I *could* get a decent preamp, but that results in a non-compact system (streamer + dac + pre + powered speakers) that still culminates in little bookshelf speakers. 

I could get an all-in-one streamer/DAC/preamp, which would make for a very simple, compact little system, but would waste the SQ uplift of the unused Lampizator (.....unless the all-in-one allows use of external DAC...and routing out to external DAC and then back in does not defeat the SQ benefit of external DAC)

Similarly, I could get an everything-in-one streaming integrated (used Hegel?) which presents the same DAC in-and-out issue as above, but then powered speakers don't fit/work - would need to dump the Elacs and shop for passives.

You get the picture - how best play these cards for best system for the money?



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