Help with a new TV please

Hi everyone,
This is pretty new territory for me, my current version of "home theatre" is a 27" Panasonic tv. That's about to change however, the girlfriend and I are about to close on a new condo, our first as homeowners, and we are downsizing, not unexpectedly. To maximize space we thought a thin, wall mountable tv would be just the ticket, plasma or lcd. Then a thought crossed my mind, what about a projector? So I ask the experts out there, what is our best bet? This is for everyday tv and occasional movie watching. We want hdtv and we want longterm reliability is such a thing exists. Our total budget is $2500 hopefully that buys us a nice tv. Since my current set cost a cool $300 I figure something nice is out there. Our budget should include either wall or ceiling mounting as well as calibration. I eagerly await your advice.

Showing 1 response by prpixel

Panasonic PT-L500u Hi-def projector - $1500
Da-lITE perma-wall high contrast cinema 120" (68x92") screen - $650 shipped.
Chief mount for the projector - $150
Pipe and flange from Home depot, which connects to the chief mount, and allows you to mount the projector to the ceiling - $20.
200 foot RG59 cable (the same typ of cable you run from the wall to your cable box) from Home Depot $0.11/ft - $22.00

At radio shack, you can get RCA ends ($18 for 6 for the good ones) that crimp on to the RG59 cable. Make three runs from the cable box to the projector and you have an inexpensive component cable.

If you have a craw space or attic and are handy you can install an electrical outlet in the ceiling near the projector mount. If not, then figure about $100 to have an electrician do it.
Panamax single outlet surge supressor for the projector - $30

Total is $2495.40. There will be some sales ($5.40) for the items purchased at the Depot. You will probally have to mail order the rest of the stuff. The important part of doing a projector is light control. If you have a lot of windows you will have to cover them with blackout shades. Also, you will have to address any other openings in the room such as doorways, etc. It really needs to be pitch black in the room to get the best picture. If you can't control the light, or don't want to spend a lot of money on window treatments, then I suggest you go with a 42" plasma. If you shop around, you should be aable to find a plasma with 1024x768 resolution for under $2500. I think Pioneer has a 43" with this resolution for just under $2500. A 42" plasma with 1280x768 resolution with run around $3500; over your budget. Right now, IMO Plasma does better blacks than LCD. But, LCD is closing in. The one thing that you have to be carefull of with plasma is burn in.

Hope this helps,