HELP wiring - Romex 10 ga. to cryo or not?

Hello and thank you in advance if you are perusing this plea for advice.

The wife and I are currently building a new home, and I will be having 5 dedicated 20A circuits run to the stereo room.

I have talked to quite a few people about what to run, either 10 gauge Romex, or 10 gauge Romex that has been cryo treated.

As you may have guessed some lean one way, others another. I will have to move fast, as the builder will most likely start the wiring in the next few weeks.

I know I will at least go with Romex, 10 gauge, solid core copper. I will try to keep the length of Romex runs very close in length (was told this will help reduce ground loop hum). I will be using Porter Ports for the receptacles. I will also see if the electrician can give me an isolated/dedicated ground for the 5 dedicated lines. (think that is what it was called...) The 5 20A lines are all supposed to be on the same leg of the breaker box, at the top... AC units, refrigerator, etc. offset on the other side.

Please advise if going with this same wire cryo treated will affect the sonics...

my system link should be listed next to my moniker.

Thanks again for the help!

Showing 2 responses by cello

Cryoing is definitely a great positive. My recommendation would be to buy the necessary amount of 10 gauge Romex (plus a little extra) at Home Despot (or other)and send it off to be double cryoed by Cryogenics International (Arizona - or other qualified cryo treatment company. I have used Cryogenics International several times and Charles Beresford is a great / decent person to work with. The turnaound time for a double cryo treatment is two weeks (one week for sigle treatment).
You get one shot at installing dedicated circuits, so I would suggest that you invest the relatively small amount that it costs for Cryo treatment and shipping. Do consider terminating you Romex with male and female plugs so that you can start breaking your new wire in on your refrigerator until your contracter needs the wire for installation (cryoed or not). Two weeks to a month on the refrigerator would be a great start on break in (yes the circuit wire needs break-in in a big way).
Good Luck - Feel free to email me off line if I can answer any qestions you might have.
Best Regards,
I can not tell you exactly how cryogrenic treatment improves the sound (from a scientific standpoint), but it just absolutely and positively does and in a non-subtle way.
Everyone that has listened to A/B comparisons of cryoed and non-cryoed wires (and other items) in my system (and we are talking over 25 people, non audio/stereophiles) have heard the difference.