HELP Why no bass? Why bright?

I recently purchased a new Arcam FMJ A22 integrated and the matching power amp (P25) and am struck by the lack of bass. By comparison, my Arcam DIVA A65 integrated was very warm sounding. Is it the amps, interconnects (Transparent Music Wave) speaker cables (DH Labs silversonic Q14 bi-wire) or the B&W CM2 and B&W CDM7 NT speakers? Do the amps need to break in? Could it be that the bass not lacking, but much more controlled?


Showing 3 responses by sydneysophia

Thanks Perkadin. Which speakers do you recommend to mate with Arcam? I listen to rock, but detest brightness. I am in the market and have the B&W's on loan.
Thanks jctubes. Any particularly warm interconnects you've got experience with? How about speaker cable? I guess I just expected more bass from the CDM7 NT. I actually auditioned the Dynaudio Audience 72 along with the MIT Terminator 4 speaker cable and was very pleased with the bass response. I was told that the CDM7 had even better bass, though I haven't tried them with the MIT cable, so I don't know if the bass extension was a result of the cable or the speaker.