HELP Which wall of new room to put system on?

I'm probably moving my system into a new room. The room is about 15' wide x 20' long. I will put the system on one of the 15' walls. The room height is 8' except that one wall only goes to 5'4" and begins a gradual slant up to 8'. I would like to get everyone's advice about whether I should put the main system / front speakers on the wall with the slant or on the wall that goes straight up to 8' tall. I'm hoping that, in some way, this will be a sonic advantage. I'm just not sure if the slant should be behind the main front speakers or on the other end of the room from them. By the way, the main front speakers will probably sit about 5' off the wall.

Showing 2 responses by bufus

Piezo, both long walls (20') are the same height.

The room I have now is 20' x 13'8" with no angles to worry about. I tried the speakers on the short wall and the long wall. On the long wall, I got better horizontal imaging but there didn't seem to be any depth to the soundstage. On the short wall, I was able to pull the speakers further off the wall since I could move my listening point further back. This really gave good depth to my soundstage. I'm assuming that I will probably get the same results in the new room and end up putting the speakers on the short wall again.

Kana813, the equipment will be between the speakers. The equipment is a 57" widescreen HDTV with a 5 shelf rack on each side. (All of the equipment is short enough to go against the 5'4" wall.) So, the equipment will be against the wall and the speakers will be pulled about 5' off the wall. At least, that is how it sounds best in the room I have now.

Keep the advice coming!!!!!!
Thanks to everyone for the comments. It turns out that my new room is probably going to be a normal rectangle, no slopes!!!